I amI am using Angular 9.1.9 and Html. I want to sum or total a nested array field and show in row.
I have a array list ('adherant') with multiple fields . I want to sum of an array columns field {{ Montant total }} and show in a text total like the photo.using Angular 9 and Html. I want to sum of an array columns field {{ Montant total }} and show in a text total like the photo.
if there is a pipe methode , or filter !
interface adher {
four?: string;
mont: number;
nombr: number;
monmois: number;
const adherant: adher[] = [
four: 'Russia',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
four: 'Russasia',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
four: 'ssss',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
four: 'Russddddia',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
four: 'sdsd',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
four: 'Russcxcxcxia',
mont: 444,
nombr: 17075200,
monmois: 146989754
<table class="table table-striped">
<th scope="col">Fournisseur</th>
<th scope="col">Montant totale</th>
<th scope="col">Nombre de mois</th>
<th scope="col">Montant par mois</th>
<tr *ngFor="let adh of adherant |filter:search">
<th scope="row">{{ adh.four }}</th>
{{ adh.mont }}
<td>{{ adh.nombr | number}}</td>
<td>{{ adh.monmois | number }}</td>
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In component declare :-
public total; this.adherant.reduce((prev,next)=>prev+next.mont,0)
Use it like {{total}} in template
Upvotes: 2