Reputation: 221
So I have a formula that finds the max value in a row and grabs the header name of the column.
The problem is if I have a row with 2 of the the same max value it only grabs the name of the first one.
Is it possible to grab all headers with the same max value with a formula?
Here is what I am using.
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Views: 51
Reputation: 152660
To return the list in one cell, if one has the Dynamic Array formulas:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTER(Header,MAX($D2:$BV2)=$D2:$BV2))
If one does not have the Dynamic Array formula then we need to use VBA. There are many TEXTJOIN UDF's out there. Here is mine:
Function TEXTJOIN(delim As String, skipblank As Boolean, arr)
Dim d As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim arr2()
Dim t As Long, y As Long
t = -1
y = -1
If TypeName(arr) = "Range" Then
arr2 = arr.Value
arr2 = arr
End If
On Error Resume Next
t = UBound(arr2, 2)
y = UBound(arr2, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
If t >= 0 And y >= 0 Then
For c = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 1)
For d = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 2)
If arr2(c, d) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c, d) & delim
End If
Next d
Next c
For c = LBound(arr2) To UBound(arr2)
If arr2(c) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c) & delim
End If
Next c
End If
End Function
Then one would call it using:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF(MAX($D2:$BV2)=$D2:$BV2,Header,""))
And confirm it as an array formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
Upvotes: 2