Reputation: 1959
1A--How can I add another column to aPrices, named topPct? which is the calculation of any given day's Close divided by the value topClose.
1B--Or is extending aPrices from [170 x 7] to [170 x 8] the wrong thing to do? Should column topPct ( be created into a new of df-s named aPercents[170 x 1+]?
2--What is the effect of these 2 alternatives on later charting of all the values? That is, having only aPrices [8+ columns] or having both aPrices [7] and aPercents[1+ cols]?
To create the data, use
#1A. Create function for prices
myget_stock_prices <-
function(ticker, return_format = "tibble", ...) {
# myget_stock_prices
stock_prices_xts <- getSymbols(Symbols = ticker, auto.assign = FALSE, ...)
# name the columns
names(stock_prices_xts) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adjusted")
# Return in xts format if tibble is not specified
if (return_format == "tibble") {
stock_prices <- as_tibble(data.frame(Date=index(stock_prices_xts), coredata(stock_prices_xts)))
} else {
stock_prices <- stock_prices_xts
#2A. Get Stock Prices
library(dplyr) # for %>% and mutate
library(purrr) # for map
library(tibble) # for as.tibble
library(lubridate) # for ymd functions
library(quantmod) # for getSymbols functions
myuSYMB <-"IBM", "MMM"))
colnames(myuSYMB) <- c("symbol")
myuprices <- myuSYMB %>%
mutate (
aPrices = map(symbol,
function(.x) myget_stock_prices(.x, return_format = "tibble",
from = "2019-10-01" )
#3A. mutate for TOP
myuptop <- myuprices %>% mutate (
topNdx = map_dbl(aPrices, function(.x) (which.max(.x$Close) ) ),
topDate = as.Date(map_dbl(aPrices, function(.x) {(.x$Date [which.max(.x$Close)])} ) ),
topClose = map_dbl(aPrices, function(.x) {(.x$Close[which.max(.x$Close)])} )
#4X. cleanup, at a later time
#rm(myget_stock_prices, myuSYMB, myuprices, myuptop)
> glimpse(myuptop)
Rows: 2
Columns: 5
$ symbol <chr> "IBM", "MMM"
$ aPrices <list> [<tbl_df[170 x 7]>, <tbl_df[170 x 7]>]
$ topNdx <dbl> 89, 73
$ topDate <date> 2020-02-06, 2020-01-14
$ topClose <dbl> 156.76, 181.37
The symbol column could have more symbols-- DJ60 or S&P500 ... . The table aPrices has the standard columns-- Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volumne, Adjusted
Expected results for symbol IBM View(myuptop$aPrices[[1]]) --
row Date Close topPct
87 2/4/2020 149.11 95.12%
88 2/5/2020 156.33 99.73%
89 2/6/2020 156.76 100.00%
90 2/7/2020 153.41 97.86%
91 2/10/2020 154.43 98.51%
92 2/11/2020 153.48 97.91%
93 2/12/2020 155.31 99.08%
This is being run on R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24) nickname Arbor Day
I have tried these two, but get errors
hp50uppct <- hp50uptop %>% mutate (
aPrices$topPct = map_dbl(aPrices, function(.x) {(.x$Close / hp50uptop$topClose)} ) )
Error: unexpected '=' and Error: unexpected ')'
hp50uppct <- hp50uptop %>% Map(cbind, aPrices, topPct = (Close / hp50uptop$topClose) )
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : object '.' of mode 'function' was not found
Upvotes: 1
Views: 169
Reputation: 887118
We can use base R
myuptop$aPrices <- Map(function(x, y) transform(x, topPct = Close/y * 100),
myuptop$aPrices, myuptop$topClose)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 388982
You can use :
hp50uppct <- myuptop %>%
mutate(aPrices = map2(aPrices, topClose,
~{.x$topPct = .x$Close/.y * 100;.x}))
#Rows: 2
#Columns: 5
#$ symbol <chr> "IBM", "MMM"
#$ aPrices <list> [<tbl_df[171 x 8]>, <tbl_df[171 x 8]>]
#$ topNdx <dbl> 89, 73
#$ topDate <date> 2020-02-06, 2020-01-14
#$ topClose <dbl> 157, 181
Or using base R :
myuptop$aPrices <- Map(function(x, y) {x$topPct = x$Close/y * 100;x},
myuptop$aPrices, myuptop$topClose)
Upvotes: 2