Reputation: 1131
Like so:
I'm running react-navigation
Upvotes: 10
Views: 3610
Reputation: 1131
First you have to follow the tutorial on how to set up a react-navigation modal, the one that has a jump animation and doesn't look like the native formSheet. You have to set up a stack navigator with your root navigator as one child and the modal as another:
And it scales, because you can have more than one of these modals as children.
The code for this is the following:
const RootNavigator = createStackNavigator(
index: { screen: AppNavigator },
[NC.SCREEN_ROOM_INFO]: { screen: RoomInfoNavigator },
[NC.SCREEN_CHAT_CREATE]: { screen: RoomCreateNavigator },
[NC.SCREEN_CHAT_SEARCH]: { screen: ChatSearchNavigator },
[NC.SCREEN_CHAT_GIF_PICKER]: { screen: GifPickerNavigator }
mode: 'modal',
headerMode: 'none',
transitionConfig: () => ({
transitionSpec: {
duration: 0
transparentCard: true
Then you need to implement these, from my example, 4 navigators that will be displayed as modals each like so:
// Here you'll specify the screens you'll navigate in this modal, starting from index.
const RoomInfoStack = createStackNavigator({
index: { screen: NavigableRoomInfo },
[NC.SCREEN_ROOM_ROSTER]: { screen: NavigableRoomRoster },
[NC.SCREEN_ROOM_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES]: { screen: NavigableRoomNotificationPreferences },
[NC.SCREEN_ROOM_EDIT]: { screen: NavigableRoomEdit }
type NavigationComponent<T = any> = {
navigation?: NavigationScreenProp<NavigationState, T>
type Props = NavigationComponent
// THIS code is from the react-navigation tutorial on how to make a react-navigation modal:
class RoomInfoNavigator extends React.Component<Props> {
static router = {
getStateForAction: (action, lastState) => {
// check for custom actions and return a different navigation state.
return RoomInfoStack.router.getStateForAction(action, lastState)
constructor(props) {
this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this)
onClose() {
// And here is the trick, you'll render an always open RN formSheet
// and link its dismiss callbacks to the goBack action in react-navigation
// and render your stack as its children, redirecting the navigator var to it in props.
render() {
return (
supportedOrientations={['portrait', 'landscape']}
onRequestClose={() => this.onClose()}
onDismiss={() => this.onClose()}
<RoomInfoStack {...this.props} />
export { RoomInfoNavigator }
This export is what our root stack imported before. Then you just need to render the screens, I have a pattern that I do to extract the navigation params to props in case this screen is ever displayed without navigation:
const NavigableRoomInfo = (props: NavigationComponent<RoomInfoProps>) => {
const roomInfo = props.navigation!.state!.params!.roomInfo
const roomInfoFromStore = useRoomFromStore(
// Here I update the navigation params so the navigation bar also updates.
useEffect(() => {
roomInfo: roomInfoFromStore
}, [roomInfoFromStore])
// You can even specify a different Status bar color in case it's seen through modal view:
return (
<StatusBar barStyle="default" />
<RoomInfo roomInfo={roomInfoFromStore} navigation={props.navigation} />
Upvotes: 7