
Reputation: 1528

Terraform AWS Kubernetes EKS resources with ALB Ingress Controller won't create load balancer

I have been trying to create an EKS cluster with self managed nodes on AWS using Terraform but I can't get my Kubernetes Ingress to create a load balancer. There are no errors but no load balancer gets created, it just times out.

I did create a load balancer manually in my account first and verified that the load balancer role is present. The policy AWSElasticLoadBalancingServiceRolePolicy is accessed when my Terraform code runs.

I have relied heavily on this tutorial


aws_region     = "ap-southeast-1"
domain         = "*"
cluster_name   = "my-tf-eks-cluster"
vpc_id         = "vpc-0d7700e26db6b3e21"
app_subnet_ids = "subnet-03c1e8c57110c92e0, subnet-0413e8bf24cb32595, subnet-047dcce0b810f0fbd"
// gateway subnet IDs

Terraform code:

terraform {

provider "aws" {
 region  = var.aws_region
 version = "~> 2.8"

data "aws_acm_certificate" "default" {
  domain   = var.domain
  statuses = ["ISSUED"]

resource "kubernetes_service_account" "alb-ingress" {
  metadata {
    name = "alb-ingress-controller"
    namespace = "kube-system"
    labels = {
      "" = "alb-ingress-controller"

  automount_service_account_token = true

resource "kubernetes_cluster_role" "alb-ingress" {
  metadata {
    name = "alb-ingress-controller"
    labels = {
      "" = "alb-ingress-controller"

  rule {
    api_groups = ["", "extensions"]
    resources  = ["configmaps", "endpoints", "events", "ingresses", "ingresses/status", "services"]
    verbs      = ["create", "get", "list", "update", "watch", "patch"]

  rule {
    api_groups = ["", "extensions"]
    resources  = ["nodes", "pods", "secrets", "services", "namespaces"]
    verbs      = ["get", "list", "watch"]

resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "alb-ingress" {
  metadata {
    name = "alb-ingress-controller"
    labels = {
      "" = "alb-ingress-controller"

  role_ref {
    api_group = ""
    kind      = "ClusterRole"
    name      = "alb-ingress-controller"

  subject {
    kind      = "ServiceAccount"
    name      = "alb-ingress-controller"
    namespace = "kube-system"

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "alb-ingress" {
  metadata {
    name = "alb-ingress-controller"
    labels = {
      "" = "alb-ingress-controller"
    namespace = "kube-system"

  spec {
    selector {
      match_labels = {
        "" = "alb-ingress-controller"

    template {
      metadata {
        labels = {
          "" = "alb-ingress-controller"
      spec {
        volume {
          name = kubernetes_service_account.alb-ingress.default_secret_name
          secret {
            secret_name = kubernetes_service_account.alb-ingress.default_secret_name
        container {
          # This is where you change the version when Amazon comes out with a new version of the ingress controller
          image = ""
          name  = "alb-ingress-controller"
          args = [
          volume_mount {
            name       = kubernetes_service_account.alb-ingress.default_secret_name
            mount_path = "/var/run/secrets/"
            read_only  = true

        service_account_name = "alb-ingress-controller"


resource "kubernetes_ingress" "main" {
  metadata {
    name = "main-ingress"
    annotations = {
      "" = "internet-facing"
      "" = "alb"
      "" = "${var.app_subnet_ids}"
      "" = "${data.aws_acm_certificate.default.arn}"
      "" = <<JSON
  {"HTTP": 80},
  {"HTTPS": 443}
      "" = <<JSON
  "Type": "redirect",
  "RedirectConfig": {
    "Protocol": "HTTPS",
    "Port": "443",
    "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"

  spec {
    rule {
      host = ""
      http {
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "ssl-redirect"
            service_port = "use-annotation"
          path = "/*"
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "app-service1"
            service_port = 80
          path = "/service1"
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "app-service2"
            service_port = 80
          path = "/service2"

    rule {
      host = ""
      http {
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "ssl-redirect"
            service_port = "use-annotation"
          path = "/*"
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "api-service1"
            service_port = 80
          path = "/service3"
        path {
          backend {
            service_name = "api-service2"
            service_port = 80
          path = "/service4"

  wait_for_load_balancer = true

Upvotes: 11

Views: 4786

Answers (2)

Marko E
Marko E

Reputation: 18213

I am by no means a K8s expert, but I went through the Terraform code, and the only thing that I see as an option that could possibly help you debug this seems to be the wait_for_load_balancer option in the kubernetes_ingress resource. From the documentation:

Terraform will wait for the load balancer to have at least 1 endpoint before considering the resource created.

Maybe the output will be more clear in that case (if the creation fails for some reason), or you might find out why it's not creating an LB.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 1528

I had the kubernetes ingress pointing to the application subnet instead of the gateway subnet. I think that was the problem.

Upvotes: 2

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