Fabien Snauwaert
Fabien Snauwaert

Reputation: 5651

How to add a table of contents to a Google Sheets spreadsheet?

I'm trying to add a table of contents to Google Sheets: simply want to include a list of all sheets inside the document, as clickable links (got 150+ sheets.)

I got it to work, but it's more complicated than I'd like, and leaves me with questions about custom functions in Google Sheets.

Here's what I have, set of course in Tools › Script editor:

 * Returns all the document's sheet IDs.
 * @return
 * @customfunction
function tocid() {
  var out = new Array()
  var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
    for (var i=0 ; i<sheets.length ; i++)
      out.push( [ sheets[i].getSheetId() ]
  return out 

 * Returns all the document's sheet names.
 * @return
 * @customfunction

function toctitle() {
  var out = new Array()
  var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
    for (var i=0 ; i<sheets.length ; i++)
      out.push( [ sheets[i].getSheetName() ]
  return out 

Using each formula, I get:

| Sheet_ID   | Sheet_Title       |
|  349319062 | Table of Contents |
| 1280378086 | many ou much      |
| …          | …                 |

And then I can use the HYPERLINK formula to get links: =hyperlink(concatenate("#gid=",A2), B2).

So it works.

However, I tried to do it all in one pass, like so:

 * Returns a list of all the document's sheets as hyperlinks.
 * @return
 * @customfunction
 * …unfortunately, can't use built-in functions inside of it, it seems. So instead of hyperlinks, it shows the formula for the hyperlinks.
function toclink() {
  var out = new Array()
  var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
    for (var i=0 ; i<sheets.length ; i++)
      out.push( [ "=HYPERLINK(\"#gid=" + sheets[i].getSheetId() + "\", \"" + sheets[i].getName() + "\")" ]
  return out 

But, as noted in the function's code comments, it does not work.

My questions are:

  1. Is the fact that you cannot use built-in functions inside of Google Sheets' custom functions / Google Apps scripts actually documented anywhere? (I'd have saved a couple of hours of my life had I known.)

  2. Any way to have the a custom function return clickable hyperlinks?

I suspect using Range might do it, but I'm not comfortable with them (and the fact the above still works makes it less of an incentive to learn). Is there a way to have a custom function just evaluate a formula taken from another column?

NOTE: I don't want to use a macro. I want to use a solution that auto-updates when new sheets get inserted.

I realize there's a similar question here, with a very useful answer. This does not exactly answer my questions, but is a bit easier to use than my current solution.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 731

Answers (2)


Reputation: 10365

Q1: Is the fact that you cannot use built-in functions...

If by built-in functions you meant these then no, something designed to work "within" the app surely won't be available in scripts written in JavaScript unless specifically exposed as services / globals (they are not).

You can use a strict subset of built-in Google services, though. Refer to this guide to determine which you can and cannot.

Initially, I thought you literally meant using built-in functions, which is apparently not the case

Q2: Any way to have the a custom function return clickable hyperlinks?

No, not using a custom function. Formulas have to be set via setFormula() method which requires authorization and is not whitelisted for use with custom functions.

Q3: I want to use a solution that auto-updates when new sheets get inserted

The answer to that depends on what "when new sheets get inserted" means:

  1. User inserts new sheets manually: use installable onChange trigger

First, install an onChange trigger that will run function called createTableOfContents when fired:

function installOnChange() {
    const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

    const builder = ScriptApp


Then, declare your createTableOfContents as you prefer. I created a sample for demonstration purposes:

const createTableOfContents = () => {
    const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    const sheets = ss.getSheets();

    const tableOfContents = sheets.map(sheet => {
        return [

    const withHeaders = [
        ["Sheet Id", "Title"],

    const [sh] = sheets;

    const rng = sh.getRange(1, 1, withHeaders.length, withHeaders[0].length);


    const formulas = tableOfContents.map(([id,name]) => {
        return [`=HYPERLINK("#gid=${id}","${name}")`];

    rng.offset(1, 1, tableOfContents.length, 1).setFormulas(formulas);

Note that the sample does not deal with range shrink due to sheet deletion, but you can take it from here:

enter image description here

  1. Sheets are inserted via script: run createTableOfContents from the function that inserts the sheets.

I don't want to use a macro

What the other answer provides is not a marco. Macros form a subset of functions written in Google Apps Script, have to be declared in manifest and are called via keyboard shortcuts.


  1. setFormulas() reference
  2. offset() reference

Credit for the suggestion goes to TheMaster:

Instead of setting a HYPERLINK formula, you can use the setRichTextValues() method and RichTextValueBuilder class from the built-in service. The change required is small:

const links = tableOfContents.map(([id,name]) => {
  const value = SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue();

  return [value

rng.offset(1, 1, tableOfContents.length, 1).setRichTextValues(links);

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 64100

There's a lot of ways to go and and a lot of different things you might want.

function tableOfContents() {
  const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  let sh=ss.getSheetByName('Table Of Contents');
  if(sh) {
  sh=ss.insertSheet('Table of Contents',0);
  let c=[["Table of Contents","","",""],["Item","Name","Link","Hidden"]];
  let shts=ss.getSheets();

Upvotes: 2

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