Reputation: 159
When doing ifft of a 2D ndarray using pyfftw, I found the resultant phase is discontinuous in many positions. My code is as follows:
import numpy as np
import pyfftw
from scipy.fft import ifftshift,fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 256
kx = np.linspace(-np.floor(N/2),np.ceil(N/2)-1,N)
kX,kY = np.meshgrid(kx,kx)
kR = np.sqrt(kX**2 + kY**2)
mask = np.where((kR<=15),1,0)
ifft_obj =
wave = fftshift(ifft_obj())
The phase image is as follows
The minimum phase value is
and the maximum value is 3.141592653589793
and their difference is larger than 2pi. Using scipy.fft just gets the same results.
However, when I turn to Matlab, the result looks more reasonable. My code is:
N = 256;
kx = linspace(-floor(N/2),ceil(N/2)-1,N);
[kX,kY] = meshgrid(kx,kx);
kR = sqrt(kX.^2 + kY.^2);
mask = single(kR<=15);
wave = fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(mask)));
caxis([min(angle(wave),[],'all') max(angle(wave),[],'all')]);
axis image; colormap jet;colorbar;
I wonder what leads to the phase discontinuity in python code and how can I correct it.
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Views: 455
Reputation: 60780
Your input is symmetric, which leads to a purely real transform (phase is 0 for positive and π for negative values). But because of numerical inaccuracies of the FFT algorithm, the result has very small imaginary values. Thus, the phase deviates a little bit from 0 and π. In your colormapped image, small deviations from 0 are not seen, but small deviations from π can lead to values close to -π (as already discussed by VPfB).
MATLAB does not show this issue because MATLAB's ifft
recognizes that the input is (conjugate) symmetric and outputs a purely real image. It simply ignores those small imaginary values.
You can do the same in Python with
wave = np.real_if_close(wave, tol=1000)
The tolerance here is np.finfo(wave.dtype).eps * tol
(2.22 10-13 for double float). Adjust as necessary.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17352
A phase is best shown as an angle on a unit circle. And a circle does not have a begin and an end. Going around the circle does not create a discontinuity. Adding exactly 2*pi (one trip around the circle) does not change the phase, so +pi and -pi are the same phase. The absolute difference of those two phases is thus not 2*pi, but zero. If you take in account tiny rounding errors, it is almost zero.
My suggestion is to use a "cyclic" color scheme (don't know a better term), where approaching +pi on one end and -pi on the other end colors the graph with the same color.
Upvotes: 3