Reputation: 3
I am trying to have a controller for a TextFormField show decimal numbers from the text input. here is my code:
void initState() {
_controller.addListener(() {
final text = _controller.text;
final amount = int.parse(text);
final showAmount = (amount/100).toStringAsFixed(2);
_controller.value = _controller.value.copyWith(
text: showAmount,
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: showAmount.length,
extentOffset: showAmount.length,
composing: TextRange.empty
It works, however in the console I keep getting the following exception: The following FormatException was thrown while dispatching notifications for TextEditingController: Invalid radix-10 number (at character 1)
Is there a better way to parse into an int or show a string with decimal numbers?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1391
Reputation: 1288
Tried to provide the below changes in this small code sample pastebin,
for the output. TextField
to intgers only using keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
and inputFormatters: [WhitelistingTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly]
and initial value is set to blank String.Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1