Reputation: 403
I am attempting to add a new custom RSU module (extending AdHocHost) into the Veins_Inet example. Here is my updated scenario (with 1 RSU).
network TestScenario {
radioMedium: Ieee80211ScalarRadioMedium;
manager: VeinsInetManager;
node[0]: VeinsInetCar;
// added rsu
rsu: VeinsInetRSU;
connections allowunconnected:}
I also updated the ini file so that the RSU mobility is
*.rsu.mobility.typename = "inet.mobility.static.StationaryMobility"
and the RSU application is barebones with minor implementation:
*[0].typename = "practice.veins_inet.VeinsInetRSUSampleApplication".
However, I get the following error:
TraCIMobility::getExternalId called with no external id set yet.
In the example, the VeinsInetManager is managing the cars with TRACI. Here is the ned file associated with the manager. The source file has 2 functions, pre-initialize module and update module position.
simple VeinsInetManager extends TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd {
How can I add a custom module into the scenario without raising any errors?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 201
Reputation: 6943
Your application might be inheriting from VeinsInetApplicationBase
, which calls TraCI methods (that fail for nodes that are not a TraCI-managed vehicle). See also its source code.
To be doubly-sure, run your simulation in debug mode, turn on debug-on-errors
, and check the stack trace to see where the call is coming from.
Upvotes: 2