
Reputation: 699

Overloading operators C++, complex numbers?

I have so big problem. I write a program which is about complex numbers. This program read and write complex numbers, add them, etc. He said that I should read that Why should I overload a C++ operator as a global function (STL does) and what are the caveats? and

1) I must create 5 operators which are member function of class and which have one argument: +, −, !, ++, −−. Then

2) I must create 5 operators which are member function of class and which two arguments: =,+=, −=, *=, /=; Then

3) I must create 8 operators which are global friend function +, −, *, /, ==, !=, <<, >> and take two parameters. I have no problem with the last one:

    friend const Comp operator+(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real + y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag + y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator-(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real - y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag - y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator*(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real * y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag * y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator/(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real / y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag / y.imag;
        return temp;

except this?????? What I should return here????? When I compare It should be bool yeah????

    friend const Comp operator==(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)

    friend const Comp operator!=(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)


I think that I found solution

    friend bool operator==(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
            return (x.real == y.real && x.imag == y.imag);
    friend bool operator!=(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
            return (x.real != y.real && x.imag != y.imag);

This is my whole code

#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#ifndef M_PI
    #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
using namespace std;

class Comp {
    double real, imag;

    double re(void) const
        return real;
    double im(void) const
        return imag;
    double mod(void) const
        return sqrt(re()*re() + im()*im());
    double arg(void) const
        double faza;
        if (im() >= 0)
            faza = acos(re()/mod());
            faza = 2*M_PI - acos(re()/mod());

    return faza;
    const Comp conj(void) const
        Comp temp;
        return temp;
    Comp operator+(const Comp& x);
    Comp operator-(const Comp& x);
    bool operator!(void);
    const Comp& operator++();
    const Comp operator++(int);
    const Comp& operator--();
    const Comp operator--(int);
    Comp operator=(const Comp x);
    Comp operator-=(const Comp& x);
    Comp operator+=(const Comp& x);
    Comp operator*=(const Comp& x);
    Comp operator/=(const Comp& x);
    friend const Comp operator+(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real + y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag + y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator-(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real - y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag - y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator*(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real * y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag * y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator/(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real / y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag / y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator==(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real + y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag + y.imag;
        return temp;
    friend const Comp operator!=(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
        Comp temp;
        temp.real = x.real + y.real;
        temp.imag = x.imag + y.imag;
        return temp;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& wart1,  const Comp& a)
        return wart1 <<fixed << setprecision(2) << '(' << a.re() << "," << a.im() << ')' << ' ' << endl;
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& wart2, Comp& b){
        char c;
        return wart2>>c>>b.real>>c>>b.imag>>c; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream read(argv[1]);
    if (!read)
        { cerr << "Open error: " << argv[1] << endl; exit(1);}
    ofstream write(argv[2]);

    if(!write) { cerr << "Open error: " << argv[2] << endl; exit(2);} 
    Comp x1;
    read >> x1;
    write << x1;
    cout << x1;
    Comp x2;
    read >> x2;
    write << x2;
    cout << x2;
    cout << x1.mod() << endl;
    cout << x2.mod() << endl;
    cout << x1.arg() << endl;
    cout << x2.arg() << endl;
    cout << x1.conj();
    cout << x2.conj();
    write << x2;
    write << x1.mod() << endl;
    write << x2.mod() << endl;
    write << x1.arg() << endl;
    write << x2.arg() << endl;
    write << x1.conj();
    write << x2.conj();
    Comp sum;
    sum = x1 + x2;
    cout << sum;
    write << sum;
    Comp sub;
    sub = x1 - x2;
    cout << sub;
    write << sub;
    Comp mult;
    mult = x1 * x2;
    cout << mult;
    write << mult;
    Comp div;
    div = x1 / x2;
    cout << div;
    write << div;

    return 0;

Upvotes: 1

Views: 553

Answers (1)


Reputation: 141658

If you implement operator== correctly (which you did in your block titled "I think that I found solution"), then you can leverage it for operator!=:

friend bool operator!=(const Comp& x, const Comp& y)
    return !(x == y);

Your version was incorrect since it would report that they are not unequal if they had the same real part and a different imaginary part.

Also, in part (1) it refers to unary + and - (not binary versions which we get in part 3). So your first two declarations in the commented-out block are incorrect, they should be:

Comp operator+();
Comp operator-();

Upvotes: 1

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