Reputation: 1
When I click a button to load a reward video ad the score should double. Instead the reward ad plays and when I close after watching it, nothing happens. I am using public static variable points to get the score value from the in game scene to the level finished scene, and then I get the total score from player prefabs. I am new to coding.
Bellow is code.
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Admob : MonoBehaviour
private BannerView adBanner;
private RewardBasedVideoAd adReward;
int pointts;
int Totalpointts;
private string idApp, idBanner, idReward;
bool saveit = false;
float Timer;
public Text TotalPointsText;
public GameObject congratulationspop;
//public WatchVideo x2coinsWatch;
[SerializeField] Button BtnX2;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
//get data
idApp = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713";
idBanner = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
idReward = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917";
adReward = RewardBasedVideoAd.Instance;
Debug.LogWarning("Banner Ad Embeded");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void GiveRewards()
BtnX2.interactable = false;
BtnX2.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Loading...";
public void RequestBannerAd()
adBanner = new BannerView(idBanner, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);
AdRequest request = AdRequestBuild();
public void DestroyBannerAd()
if (adBanner != null)
public void RequestRewardAd()
AdRequest request = AdRequestBuild();
adReward.LoadAd(request, idReward);
adReward.OnAdLoaded += this.HandleOnRewardedAdLoaded;
adReward.OnAdRewarded += this.HandleOnRewarded;
adReward.OnAdClosed += this.HandleOnRewardedAdClosed;
public void ShowRewardAd()
if (adReward.IsLoaded())
public void HandleOnRewardedAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args) // Ad Loaded
public void HandleOnRewardedAdOpening(object sender, EventArgs args) // Ad Opening
public void HandleOnRewarded(object sender, EventArgs args) // User Finished Wacthing The Ad
// Funtion here to double the coins
public void HandleOnRewardedAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args) // ad closed not watching the
BtnX2.interactable = false;
BtnX2.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "X2 Points";
//testing till here
adReward.OnAdLoaded -= this.HandleOnRewardedAdLoaded;
adReward.OnAdRewarded -= this.HandleOnRewarded;
adReward.OnAdClosed -= this.HandleOnRewardedAdClosed;
AdRequest AdRequestBuild()
return new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
void OnDestroy()
adReward.OnAdLoaded -= this.HandleOnRewardedAdLoaded;
adReward.OnAdRewarded -= this.HandleOnRewarded;
adReward.OnAdClosed -= this.HandleOnRewardedAdClosed;
private void FixedUpdate()
Totalpointts = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("points" , Totalpointts);
TotalPointsText.text = "Total Points : " + Totalpointts;
pointts = destination.Mypoint;
if (saveit == true)
Timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (Timer >= 2f)
saveit = false;
public void x2Thepoints()
Totalpointts += pointts;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("points", Totalpointts);
saveit = true;
BtnX2.interactable = false;
TotalPointsText.text = "Total Points : " + Totalpointts;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 963
Reputation: 4110
Unity Google Ads callback events are not guaranteed to be called in the main Unity thread. Try to set you score this way:
public void HandleOnRewarded(object sender, EventArgs args) // User Finished Wacthing The Ad
MobileAdsEventExecutor.ExecuteInUpdate(() =>
// Funtion here to double the coins
The method MobileAdsEventExecutor.ExecuteInUpdate
runs the callback in the main Unity thread (unity is mono thread).
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 483
Set the ad related event handlers before adReward.LoadAd(request, idReward);
adReward.OnAdLoaded += this.HandleOnRewardedAdLoaded; adReward.OnAdRewarded += this.HandleOnRewarded; adReward.OnAdClosed += this.HandleOnRewardedAdClosed; adReward.LoadAd(request, idReward);
Event handlers are not guaranteed to execute in the Unity main thread. So, force execute them in the next update:
public void HandleOnRewarded(object sender, EventArgs args) { MobileAdsEventExecutor.ExecuteInUpdate(() => { x2Thepoints(); }); }
Upvotes: -1