Reputation: 119
I have a process in UiPath to automate PyCharm, a really simple one like just running a Python script and copying the run message into a text file. Now I want to convert it into a binary file to be executed on a windows machine.
I came to know that UiPath did have an option for exporting projects into executable files but sadly it was also removed.
I also reviewed the orchestrator for UiPath but that does seem meaningful to me. I didn't understand why a company would remove such a crucial feature (conversion to executable) and provide a messy solution like this. May be I'm missing something.
My question is....
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Views: 4256
Reputation: 73
I'm using AutoHotkey script for this purpose and thought I'd share my method,
Create a *.ahk
script using below code,
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
; you don't need to modify below code unless UiPath Studio changes its shortcut name
EnvGet, LocalFolder, LocalAppData ;use windows Env variable to get local appdata folder
UiPath_ShrtCut=%A_Programs%\UiPath Studio.lnk
FileGetShortcut, %UiPath_ShrtCut%, , OutDir ;get parent directory of shortcut.lnk
;modify your_script_path\Main as per your script and its path
Script=""%OutDir%\UiRobot.exe" "-file" "your_script_path\Main.xaml"" ;script folder and script name
; you can add additional clause in here
If (FileExist(UiPath) "D")
Process, Exist, %UiPath_Asstnt%
if ErrorLevel = 0
Runwait, %UiPath_ShrtCut%
WinWait, ahk_exe %UiPath_Asstnt% ;wait for UiPath.Assistant to load
Sleep, 2500
Runwait, %comspec% /c TASKKILL /im %UiPath_Prcss% /f ,,Hide ;now kill UiPath main window
;Run, %A_AHKPath% %Rec_Script% ;run record
Run, %comspec% /c %Script%,,Hide
;Run, %A_AHKPath% %Rec_Script% ;run record
Run, %comspec% /c %Script%,,Hide
Then create a task schedule as per your desired trigger and use following in action tab,
Program/Script: "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe"
Add Arguments (optional): "Script_path\Script_name.ahk"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13
The simplest way to do this would be to call the UiPath Robot Command Line Interface within a batch file. I suggest that you package the process first and then refer to that package in the batch file using the UiPath.exe execute
command with the --process {Package_ID}
argument. You can add UiPath.exe
to your PATH environment variable so you don't need to use an absolute path to the exe in your batch file. The batch file will be able to run on your Windows VM just like an executable. Alternatively, you could add a shortcut to UiPath.exe
and add the arguments to the target of the shortcut in the properties menu of the shortcut.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3833
UiPath does not want users to be able to run executables directly. They are forcing users to use Orchestrator. So they always have the full control about the users and their licensing model. If they would still offer the executable way, someone could easily create a Task with UiPath and send this to any other PC without using a UiPath account. So this is mainly the reason they stopped offering this method. But you still have some other options to run your process so don't worry.
Those ways are:
Use Orchestrator. Run process from your Orchestrator dashboard (via Jobs manually or time triggered or even another starting trigger).
Use Orchestrator and use UiPath Robot (comes already with the UiPath installation). Now you can simply start it from tray icon.
Use UiPath Studio and start process from here.
Create a batch file that runs the start command script for your process. This line UiRobot.exe_Path /file:"Main.xaml"
will run your process.
Create a Visual Studio application (exe) that runs the batch file from #4.
Use REST API to run the process.
As you can see you have several options but unfortunately the exe workaround is just a wrapper for the batch file.
I would recommend you to use Orchestrator, as it gives you so many possibilities and control on your processes and a good logging.
Upvotes: 3