Reputation: 3
So, disclaimer, this is for a class, but I've already submitted the homework and reached out to the professor for assistance, so I'm not cheating or asking someone to do my homework. I spent hours trawling through this site, in the process, as well.
I am trying to get user input for up to 52 times, add them all together and then average the sum.
I made this method to allow the user to input their weekly profits, based on the Sales variable input further up in the code. I thought a limit of 52 would be good, as it would allow a person to average 2 wks, a month, 6 months, etc, like if they’re trying to budget or find an estimated yearly earnings.
//new method
public static void computeAverageSalesProfit() {
//new scanner object in method
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//new object
Sales AvgProfit = new Sales();
//prompt for input
System.out.println("Please enter weekly profits, up to 52 weeks. When finished, enter '-1.'");
//value to store input, and test against
double value = 0;
//new double array to sum together and average out
double[] sum2 = new double[52];
//while loop of doom
while(value >= 0) {
for (int i=0; i<sum2.length; i++) {
value = input.nextDouble();
sum2[i] = value + 0;
double WeeklyProfits = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sum2.length; i++) {
WeeklyProfits = sum2[i] / sum2.length;
System.out.printf("Your average profits are %.2f", AvgProfit.getWeeklyProfits());
This is the code I ended with for the night, and I cannot figure out how to end the while loop. I didn’t originally have the value variable, but thought that a check for it before the sum2 iteration would allow me to close it. When I run the program, it takes in user input, but never ends until I hit 52 iterations. I also tried using "0000" in a boolean expression, but that didn't work, either.
I also tried without setting the value variable, I’ve tried every way I can think of and can find on the internet. I tried with and without a value variable with just a plain double (not array). I even tried with a String, using a boolean expression (good = true/false, while (!/good), etc, but I was unable to convert to double and average it out.
I’m completely baffled, and my head hurts. I would really appreciate any assistance or insight you’re able to share. Thank you.
Oh, and I have a while loop in a different part of my code that does work, but I don't think this one works the same way. I think I'm either overthinking it, or just missing something very obvious.
//Check Year length separate, keeping original code mostly intact
public static boolean isValid(String input)
//Does it have 4 digits?
if(input.length() != 4)
return false;
// Is it a number ?
Integer i = Integer.parseInt(input);
catch(NumberFormatException e)
return false;
// Passed all checks and is valid
return true;
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Views: 330
Reputation: 545
One thing that you could do is to instead of using a while loop use the for loop like this:
//value to store input, and test against
double value = 0;
//new double array to sum together and average out
double[] sum2 = new double[52];
// repeats 52 times max
for (int i=0; i<sum2.length; i++) {
value = input.nextDouble();
// Checking if the user entered a negative number
if (value < 0) {
// The break keyword exits a loop
sum2[i] = value + 0;
Upvotes: 1