Reputation: 261
I just saw in a video about sharepoint ( Minute 6:50) that in sharepoint there is a Check In Button. Now my question is is this also possible with ItHit WebDav too? Or is this a button from the Sharepoint Plugin and can only be rebuild with an own plugin?
The Versioning Support for DeltaV cannot be reused for word right?
Is there any progress on it since 2014 or how is this acutally realized in Office? Does it use any of the WebDav Extenions by Microsoft which I could extend myself if no progres yet? (MS-WDVSE, MS-WDVME, MS-WDV, MS_WDVME...)
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Views: 141
Reputation: 147
Unfortunately, unlike other operations, versioning in MS Office is not using WebDAV, as this post describes: Show Versions within the document (IT Hit WebDav). MS Office is using its own proprietary protocol to display versions.
One possible solution is implementing check-in/check-out commands and versions list in the IT Hit WebDAVDrive sample based on IT Hit Virtual File System product. This sample works similar to OneDrive (it using the same Windows API) and can automatically lock/unlock documents on the virtual drive, which is very close to check-out/check-in. You potentially can add check-out/check-in/list versions commands to the Windows File Manager context menu as well as attach a hook to file open/close or lock/unlock events in sample code to show a custom user interface.
Upvotes: 3