
Reputation: 365

terraform map and object variables as input

There is issue with command line input for any string attribute inside a map/object variable. the below configuration works with below command. But the moment I use any string attribute inside the object variable. it fails

terraform plan -var='storageProfile2={"storage_mb":102400,"backup_retention_days":15,"geo_redundant_backup_enabled":false}'
resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "dmcdevops_postgress" {
  name                          = "pstgressdb101" 
  location                      = azurerm_resource_group.dmc_rg_creation.location
  resource_group_name           = azurerm_resource_group.dmc_rg_creation.name
  sku_name                      = "GP_Gen5_4"
  backup_retention_days         = var.storageProfile2.backup_retention_days
  storage_mb                    = var.storageProfile2.storage_mb
  geo_redundant_backup_enabled  = var.storageProfile2.geo_redundant_backup_enabled 
  administrator_login           = "sdfgsgfsg"
  administrator_login_password  = "H@Sh1CoR3!"
  version                       = "11"
  ssl_enforcement_enabled       = true

variable "storageProfile2" {
default = {
    storage_mb                      = 102400
    backup_retention_days           = 15
    geo_redundant_backup_enabled    = false

  type = object(
        storage_mb                    = number
        backup_retention_days         = number
        geo_redundant_backup_enabled  = bool

Below config doesn't work. I just added administrator_login as string attribute to the object variable. terraform plan and apply works with default values tho.

terraform plan -var='storageProfile2={"storage_mb":102400,"backup_retention_days":15,"geo_redundant_backup_enabled":false,"administrator_login":"pgadmin1223"}'
resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "dmcdevops_postgress" {
  name                          = "pstgressdb101" 
  location                      = azurerm_resource_group.dmc_rg_creation.location
  resource_group_name           = azurerm_resource_group.dmc_rg_creation.name
  sku_name                      = "GP_Gen5_4"
  backup_retention_days         = var.storageProfile2.backup_retention_days
  storage_mb                    = var.storageProfile2.storage_mb
  geo_redundant_backup_enabled  = var.storageProfile2.geo_redundant_backup_enabled 
  administrator_login           =  var.storageProfile2.administrator_login 
  administrator_login_password  = "H@Sh1CoR3!"
  version                       = "11"
  ssl_enforcement_enabled       = true


variable "storageProfile2" {
default = {
    storage_mb                      = 102400
    backup_retention_days           = 15
    geo_redundant_backup_enabled    = false
    administrator_login             = "pgadmin"

  type = object(
        storage_mb                    = number
        backup_retention_days         = number
        geo_redundant_backup_enabled  = bool
        administrator_login           = string 

Error message

enter image description here

Upvotes: 7

Views: 42282

Answers (2)


Reputation: 365

As pointed out by Martin . The issue was regarding unix style shell on power shell. After escaping the double quotes, it worked. Correct syntax for power shell is

terraform plan -var='postgress={"storage_mb":102400,"backup_retention_days":15,"geo_redundant_backup_enabled":false,"administrator_login":\"pgadmin1223\"}'

Also, I agree its better to use tfvars instead of input params especially if you have lot of inputs to terraforms

Upvotes: 1

Alain O'Dea
Alain O'Dea

Reputation: 21716

Since the second config works with the defaults for the variable, the config isn't the issue, the terraform apply -var must be the issue. It's a very tricky thing to get right and has a number of problematic interactions with shell parsing rules that can trip you up.

I find using .tfvars files far more reliable and I no longer try to get -var working for my Terraform work.


storageProfile2 = {
  storage_mb                      = 102400
  backup_retention_days           = 15
  geo_redundant_backup_enabled    = false
  administrator_login             = "pgadmin1223"

Ceate terraform.tfvars as above in the same directory and then run terraform plan and terraform apply without -var. It should resolve your issue.

Original answer

There are several significant changes in the azurerm provider that are intended to be backwards compatible, but are likedly causing the issue here.

geo_redundant_backup is a deprecated attribute as of v2.7.0 or v2.10.0 depending on which database resource you are using. You should use geo_redundant_backup_enabled instead and specify it as boolean (bool type). I suspect the backwards-compatibility isn't completely reliable.

storage_profile blocks are also deprecated and all of their attributes are now top-level on the corresponding.

The examples in the azurerm provider documentation using storage_profile are incorrect and this:

storage_profile {
  storage_mb            = var.storageProfile2.storageMb
  backup_retention_days = var.storageProfile2.backupRetentionDays
  geo_redundant_backup  = var.storageProfile2.geoRedundantBackup

Should be rewritten as (direct properties on the resource, not inside a block):

storage_mb                    = var.storageProfile2.storageMb
backup_retention_days         = var.storageProfile2.backupRetentionDays
geo_redundant_backup_enabled  = var.storageProfile2.geoRedundantBackup

And your storageProfile2 variable declaration should be updated to set the type of geoRedundantBackup to bool:

variable storageProfile2 {
  default = {
    storageMb = 102400
    backupRetentionDays = 15
    geoRedundantBackup  = false
  type = object({ storageMb=number, backupRetentionDays=number, geoRedundantBackup=bool })

Since azurerm provider v2.7.0 was released on April 23rd, 2020 including these changes:

  • azurerm_postgres_server - all properties in the storage_profile block have been moved to the top level (#6459)
  • azurerm_postgres_server - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: ssl_enforcement to ssl_enforcement_enabled, geo_redundant_backup to backup_geo_redundant_enabled, and auto_grow to auto_grow_enabled (#6459)

Since azurerm provider v2.10.0 was released on May 12th, 2020 additional storage_profile were flattened:

  • azurerm_mariadb_server - all properties in the storage_profile block have been moved to the top level (#6865)
  • azurerm_mysql_server - all properties in the storage_profile block have been moved to the top level (#6833)
  • azurerm_mariadb_server - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: ssl_enforcement to ssl_enforcement_enabled, geo_redundant_backup to geo_redundant_backup_enabled, and auto_grow azurerm_mysql_server - support for the create_mode property allowing the creation of replicas, point in time restores, and geo restors (#6833)
  • azurerm_mysql_server - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: ssl_enforcement to ssl_enforcement_enabled, geo_redundant_backup to geo_redundant_backup_enabled, and auto_grow to auto_grow_enabled (#6833)

Aside: Code Style

Conventional code style in Terraform:

  • Use snake_case instead of camelCase (not formalized, but every provider follows this as do the examples)
  • Quote top-level names like resource and variable names
  • Align equals signs in groups (those without multiple line breaks between them)
variable "storage_profile_2" {
  default = {
    storage_mb                   = 102400
    backup_retention_days        = 15
    geo_redundant_backup_enabled = false
  type = object(
      storage_mb                   = number
      backup_retention_days        = number
      geo_redundant_backup_enabled = bool

And assign attributes as follows

storage_mb                   = var.storage_profile_2.storage_mb
backup_retention_days        = var.storage_profile_2.backup_retention_days
geo_redundant_backup_enabled = var.storage_profile_2.geo_redundant_backup_enabled

The more consistent Terraform code is globally, the easier it will be for all of us practitioners should we ever need to work on someone else's code.

Upvotes: 4

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