Reputation: 4416
I am trying to figure out a way to aggregate levels of a group creating a new level based on a threshold value of what you are aggregating.
Create some data:
demo_data <- as_tibble(VADeaths) %>%
mutate(age_bucket = row.names(VADeaths)) %>%
pivot_longer(-age_bucket) %>%
Here are a bunch of values below our threshold (say 15 here)
demo_data %>%
filter(value < 15)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 3
#> age_bucket name value
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 50-54 Rural Female 8.7
#> 2 55-59 Rural Female 11.7
#> 3 50-54 Rural Male 11.7
#> 4 50-54 Urban Female 8.4
#> 5 55-59 Urban Female 13.6
Now I can use some logic to do this with case_when
but this seems fragile because it is so specific. This does, however, illustrate what I am after:
demo_data %>%
mutate(age_bucket_agg = case_when(
age_bucket %in% c("50-54", "55-59") & name == "Rural Female" ~ "50-59",
age_bucket %in% c("50-54", "55-59") & name == "Urban Female" ~ "50-59",
age_bucket %in% c("50-54", "55-59") & name == "Rural Male" ~ "50-59",
TRUE ~ age_bucket
) %>%
group_by(age_bucket_agg, name) %>%
summarise(value = sum(value))
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'age_bucket_agg' (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 17 x 3
#> # Groups: age_bucket_agg [6]
#> age_bucket_agg name value
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 50-54 Urban Male 15.4
#> 2 50-59 Rural Female 20.4
#> 3 50-59 Rural Male 29.8
#> 4 50-59 Urban Female 22
#> 5 55-59 Urban Male 24.3
#> 6 60-64 Rural Female 20.3
#> 7 60-64 Rural Male 26.9
#> 8 60-64 Urban Female 19.3
#> 9 60-64 Urban Male 37
#> 10 65-69 Rural Female 30.9
#> 11 65-69 Rural Male 41
#> 12 65-69 Urban Female 35.1
#> 13 65-69 Urban Male 54.6
#> 14 70-74 Rural Female 54.3
#> 15 70-74 Rural Male 66
#> 16 70-74 Urban Female 50
#> 17 70-74 Urban Male 71.1
My question is can anyone think of an automated way of doing this? How can I tell dplyr (or R in general) to take all values below as threshold and add them to the next age_bucket
and then recode that grouping level to take the lowest value and the biggest value and create a new range.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 623
Reputation: 18581
I think your example is a bit too minimal for this really challenging question. I added some challenges to your data which I think the approaches of the other answers can't tackle yet. My approach is quite verbose. Essentially, it checks every logical combination / direction in which age buckets could be merged and then recursively merges the age buckets until the threshold is met or until there are no other age buckets left to merge together. With a bit more work we could turn this into a more general function.
demo_data <- as_tibble(VADeaths) %>%
mutate(age_bucket = row.names(VADeaths)) %>%
pivot_longer(-age_bucket) %>%
arrange(name) %>%
# lets add more challenges to the data
mutate(value = case_when(
age_bucket == "55-59" & name == "Rural Female" ~ 2,
age_bucket == "70-74" & name == "Rural Male" ~ 13,
age_bucket == "65-69" & name == "Urban Female" ~ 8,
age_bucket == "70-74" & name == "Urban Male" ~ 3,
T ~ value))
# function that implements merging age buckets
merge_impl <- function(x) {
if(any(x$first)) {
e <- filter(x, first == 1)
if (e$id & !$age_max_lead)) {
out <- mutate(x,
age_max = if_else(first,
value = if_else(first,
value + value_lead,
out <- filter(out, !lag(first, default = FALSE))
} else if (e$id &$age_max_lead & !$age_min_lag))) {
out <- mutate(x,
age_min = if_else(first,
value = if_else(first,
value + value_lag,
out <- filter(out, !lead(first, default = FALSE))
} else if (e$id &$age_max_lead &$age_min_lag))) {
out <- x
} else if (!e$id & !$age_min_lag)) {
out <- mutate(x,
age_min = if_else(first,
value = if_else(first,
value + value_lag,
out <- filter(out, !lead(first, default = FALSE))
} else if (!e$id &$age_min_lag) & !$age_max_lead)) {
out <- mutate(x,
age_max = if_else(first,
value = if_else(first,
value + value_lead,
value)) %>%
out <- filter(out, !lag(first, default = FALSE))
} else if (!e$id &$age_min_lag) &$age_max_lead)) {
out <- x
} else {
out <- x
-contains("lead"), -contains("lag"),
-first, -id)
merge_age_buckets <- function(x, threshold) {
# initialize
data_ls <-
x %>%
c("age_min", "age_max"),
convert = TRUE) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(across(c(age_min, age_max, value),
list(lead = ~ lead(.x),
lag = ~ lag(.x))
) %>%
mutate(id = age_min %% 10 == 0,
first = value < threshold & cumsum(value < threshold) == 1) %>%
# check & proceed
if(any(map_lgl(data_ls, ~ any(.x$first & nrow(.x) > 1)))) {
res <- map_dfr(data_ls, merge_impl) %>%
mutate(age_bucket = paste0(age_min, "-", age_max)) %>%
select(- c(age_min, age_max))
# if result still needs adjustment repeat
if(any(res$value < threshold)) {
merge_age_buckets(res, threshold = threshold)
} else {
} else {
out <- reduce(data_ls, bind_rows) %>%
mutate(age_buckets = paste0(age_min, "-", age_max)) %>%
select(- c(age_min, age_max))
merge_age_buckets(demo_data, 15)
#> # A tibble: 13 x 3
#> name value age_bucket
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Rural Female 31 50-64
#> 2 Rural Female 30.9 65-69
#> 3 Rural Female 54.3 70-74
#> 4 Rural Male 29.8 50-59
#> 5 Rural Male 26.9 60-64
#> 6 Rural Male 54 65-74
#> 7 Urban Female 22 50-59
#> 8 Urban Female 27.3 60-69
#> 9 Urban Female 50 70-74
#> 10 Urban Male 15.4 50-54
#> 11 Urban Male 24.3 55-59
#> 12 Urban Male 37 60-64
#> 13 Urban Male 57.6 65-74
Created on 2020-06-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 23817
With a mix of cumsum and rle, (here using data.table::rleid
, but you can also use base::rle
demo_data <- as_tibble(VADeaths) %>%
mutate(age_bucket = as.factor(row.names(VADeaths))) %>% #factorise to get the levels right
pivot_longer(-age_bucket) %>%
arrange(name, age_bucket) #added this to sort
thresh <- 15
demo_data %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(rle_val = data.table::rleid(value < thresh),
min_nonconsec = which.min(c(1, diff(rle_val) != 1)),
newbuck = cumsum(row_number() > min_nonconsec)) %>%
group_by(name, newbuck) %>%
summarise(newname = paste(age_bucket, collapse = "-"),
newbucket = paste(unlist(strsplit(newname, "-"))[1], tail(unlist(strsplit(newname, "-")),1), sep = "-"),
newval = sum(value)
) %>%
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'name' (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 15 x 4
#> # Groups: name [4]
#> name newbuck newbucket newval
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Rural Female 0 50-64 40.7
#> 2 Rural Female 1 65-69 30.9
#> 3 Rural Female 2 70-74 54.3
#> 4 Rural Male 0 50-59 29.8
#> 5 Rural Male 1 60-64 26.9
#> 6 Rural Male 2 65-69 41
#> 7 Rural Male 3 70-74 66
#> 8 Urban Female 0 50-64 41.3
#> 9 Urban Female 1 65-69 35.1
#> 10 Urban Female 2 70-74 50
#> 11 Urban Male 0 50-54 15.4
#> 12 Urban Male 1 55-59 24.3
#> 13 Urban Male 2 60-64 37
#> 14 Urban Male 3 65-69 54.6
#> 15 Urban Male 4 70-74 71.1
Created on 2020-06-20 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 25208
Not sure if I understand the requirements correctly after TimTeaFan’s comments, here is approach in data.table
DT <- setDT(reshape2::melt(VADeaths, id.vars=NULL))
DT[, c("low", "high") := lapply(tstrsplit(Var1, "-"), as.integer)]
DT[value < 15, c("low","high") := .(min(low), max(high)), Var2]
DT[, sum(value), .(low, high, Var2)]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16998
Here is a unneccessary complicated way using dplyr
and stringr
demo_data %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(csum = cumsum(value),
min_split = ifelse(value<15, as.numeric(str_split(age_bucket[value<15], "-", simplify = TRUE))[1], NA),
max_split = ifelse(value<15, as.numeric(str_split(age_bucket[min(which(csum>15))], "-", simplify = TRUE))[2], NA),
age_bucket = ifelse(value<15, str_c(min_split, "-", max_split), age_bucket),
value = ifelse(value<15, csum[min(which(csum>15))], value)) %>%
select(-min_split, -max_split, -csum) %>%
distinct() %>%
which yields
# A tibble: 18 x 3
# Groups: name [4]
age_bucket name value
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 50-54 Urban Male 15.4
2 50-59 Rural Female 20.4
3 50-59 Rural Male 29.8
4 50-59 Urban Female 22
5 55-59 Rural Male 18.1
6 55-59 Urban Male 24.3
7 60-64 Rural Female 20.3
8 60-64 Rural Male 26.9
9 60-64 Urban Female 19.3
10 60-64 Urban Male 37
11 65-69 Rural Female 30.9
12 65-69 Rural Male 41
13 65-69 Urban Female 35.1
14 65-69 Urban Male 54.6
15 70-74 Rural Female 54.3
16 70-74 Rural Male 66
17 70-74 Urban Female 50
18 70-74 Urban Male 71.1
Upvotes: 0