
Reputation: 523

How to perform SELECT query of PL/pgSQL user-defined function in jOOQ which returns JSON type?

I'm having issue with finding right way to cast my user-defined function in PL/pgSQL into jOOQ code. My user-defined function in PL/pgSQL returns JSON type and I need to somehow adjust/cast it in jOOQ. I've Googled examples, but found none.

Just in case here is my user-defined function in PL/pgSQL:

create or replace function public.get_order_by_order_id(o_id bigint) returns json as
    total_oi_price double precision;
    book_price double precision;
    total_price double precision;
    oi_amount integer;
    order_items json;
    item_recs RECORD;
    book_json json;
    single_order_item json;
    found_order "vertx-jooq-cr".public.orders;
    found_user json;
    _item_id bigint;
    item_array json[];
    select * into found_order
    from "vertx-jooq-cr".public.orders
    where order_id = o_id;

    select json_build_object('user_id', "vertx-jooq-cr".public.users.user_id, 'username', "vertx-jooq-cr".public.users.username)
    into found_user
    from "vertx-jooq-cr".public.users
    INNER JOIN "vertx-jooq-cr".public.orders as o USING (user_id)
    WHERE o.order_id = o_id;

    total_price = 0.00;

    FOR item_recs IN SELECT *
        FROM public.order_item AS oi WHERE oi.order_id = o_id
        select public.get_book_by_book_id(item_recs.book_id) into book_json
        from public.order_item
        where public.order_item.order_item_id IN (item_recs.order_item_id);

        select price INTO book_price FROM book AS b WHERE b.book_id = item_recs.book_id;
        select amount INTO oi_amount FROM order_item AS oi WHERE oi.amount = item_recs.amount;
        total_oi_price = book_price * oi_amount;

        SELECT json_build_object('order_item_id', item_recs.order_item_id,
        'amount', item_recs.amount,
        'book', book_json,
        'order_id', item_recs.order_id,
        'total_order_item_price', trunc(total_oi_price::double precision::text::numeric, 2)) INTO single_order_item;
        total_price := total_price + total_oi_price;
        item_array = array_append(item_array, single_order_item);
    order_items = array_to_json(item_array);

    return (select json_build_object(
        'order_id', found_order.order_id,
        'total_price', trunc(total_price::double precision::text::numeric, 2),
        'order_date', found_order.order_date,
        'user', found_user,
        'order_items', order_items

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

...and another one which is using function listed above.

    single_order RECORD;
    single_order_json json;
    orders_array json[];

    FOR single_order IN SELECT * FROM public.orders ORDER BY order_id
        SELECT get_order_by_order_id(single_order.order_id) INTO single_order_json;
        orders_array = array_append(orders_array, single_order_json);

    return (select json_build_object(
        'orders', orders_array
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Both functions has been successfully code-generated in my Maven project and last one get_all_orders() is needed to perform SELECT operation on it and return JSON object in my jOOQ code.

Here is class in **.jooq package which is generated among, and other classes:

 * Convenience access to all stored procedures and functions in public
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class Routines {

     * Call <code>public.get_all_orders</code>
    public static JSON getAllOrders(Configuration configuration) {
        GetAllOrders f = new GetAllOrders();

        return f.getReturnValue();

     * Get <code>public.get_all_orders</code> as a field.
    public static Field<JSON> getAllOrders() {
        GetAllOrders f = new GetAllOrders();

        return f.asField();

// other methods left out for code brevity

     * Call <code>public.get_order_by_order_id</code>
    public static JSON getOrderByOrderId(Configuration configuration, Long oId) {
        GetOrderByOrderId f = new GetOrderByOrderId();

        return f.getReturnValue();

     * Get <code>public.get_order_by_order_id</code> as a field.
    public static Field<JSON> getOrderByOrderId(Long oId) {
        GetOrderByOrderId f = new GetOrderByOrderId();

        return f.asField();

     * Get <code>public.get_order_by_order_id</code> as a field.
    public static Field<JSON> getOrderByOrderId(Field<Long> oId) {
        GetOrderByOrderId f = new GetOrderByOrderId();

        return f.asField();

And here is my routine class located in **.jooq.routines package

 * This class is generated by jOOQ.
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class GetAllOrders extends AbstractRoutine<JSON> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 917599810;

     * The parameter <code>public.get_all_orders.RETURN_VALUE</code>.
    public static final Parameter<JSON> RETURN_VALUE = Internal.createParameter("RETURN_VALUE", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSON, false, false);

     * Create a new routine call instance
    public GetAllOrders() {
        super("get_all_orders", Public.PUBLIC, org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSON);


Finally, this is my jOOQ code for performing SELECT query in jOOQ:

Future<JsonObject> ordersFuture = queryExecutor.transaction(qe -> qe
                .query(dsl -> dsl
                    .select(new Routines().getAllOrders())

...definition of qe.query() method is given below:

    public <R extends Record> Future<QueryResult> query(Function<DSLContext, ? extends ResultQuery<R>> queryFunction) {
        return executeAny(queryFunction).map(ReactiveQueryResult::new);

Produced problems:

"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Future < Object > to Future < JsonObject > "

"Type mismatch: cannot convert from Future < QueryResult > to Future < Object > "

BTW, I've need to mention this is vertx-jooq implementation which uses jOOQ 3.13.1.
Any help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.

As requested here are missing types and signatures 1st for transaction() method (more info here )

     * Convenience method to perform multiple calls on a transactional QueryExecutor, committing the transaction and
     * returning a result.
     * @param transaction your code using a transactional QueryExecutor.
     *                    <pre>
     *                    {@code
     *                    ReactiveClassicGenericQueryExecutor nonTransactionalQueryExecutor...;
     *                    Future<QueryResult> resultOfTransaction = nonTransactionalQueryExecutor.transaction(transactionalQueryExecutor ->
     *                      {
     *                          //make all calls on the provided QueryExecutor that runs all code in a transaction
     *                          return transactionalQueryExecutor.execute(dslContext -> dslContext.insertInto(Tables.XYZ)...)
     *                              .compose(i -> transactionalQueryExecutor.query(dslContext -> dslContext.selectFrom(Tables.XYZ).where(Tables.XYZ.SOME_VALUE.eq("FOO")));
     *                      }
     *                    );
     *                    }
     *                    </pre>
     * @param <U> the return type.
     * @return the result of the transaction.
    public <U> Future<U> transaction(Function<ReactiveClassicGenericQueryExecutor, Future<U>> transaction){
        return beginTransaction()
                .compose(queryExecutor -> transaction.apply(queryExecutor) //perform user tasks
                        .compose(res -> queryExecutor.commit() //commit the transaction
                                .map(v -> res))); //and return the result

...and executeAny() (more info available here ):

     * Executes the given queryFunction and returns a <code>RowSet</code>
     * @param queryFunction the query to execute
     * @return the results, never null
    public Future<RowSet<Row>> executeAny(Function<DSLContext, ? extends Query> queryFunction) {
        Query query = createQuery(queryFunction);
        Promise<RowSet<Row>> rowPromise = Promise.promise();
        return rowPromise.future();

...and here for ReactiveQueryResult

This is my result of get_all_orders() function created in PL/pgSQL of JSON type:

  "orders": [
      "order_id": 1,
      "total_price": 29.99,
      "order_date": "2019-08-22T10:06:33",
      "user": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "test"
      "order_items": [
          "order_item_id": 1,
          "amount": 1,
          "book": {
            "book_id": 1,
            "title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
            "price": 29.99,
            "amount": 400,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "authors": [
                "author_id": 4,
                "first_name": "JK",
                "last_name": "Rowling"
            "categories": [
                "category_id": 2,
                "name": "Lyric",
                "is_deleted": false
          "order_id": 1,
          "total_order_item_price": 29.99
      "order_id": 2,
      "total_price": 29.99,
      "order_date": "2019-08-22T10:10:13",
      "user": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "test"
      "order_items": [
          "order_item_id": 2,
          "amount": 1,
          "book": {
            "book_id": 1,
            "title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
            "price": 29.99,
            "amount": 400,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "authors": [
                "author_id": 4,
                "first_name": "JK",
                "last_name": "Rowling"
            "categories": [
                "category_id": 2,
                "name": "Lyric",
                "is_deleted": false
          "order_id": 2,
          "total_order_item_price": 29.99

Upvotes: 0

Views: 512

Answers (1)

Lukas Eder
Lukas Eder

Reputation: 221275

From the middle of your question:

Future<JsonObject> ordersFuture = queryExecutor.transaction(qe -> qe.query(...)); 

// Where
<R extends Record> Future<QueryResult> query(
  Function<DSLContext, ? extends ResultQuery<R>> queryFunction
) { ... }

The Java compiler cannot convert your Future<QueryResult> to a Future<JsonObject>. There may be some additional type inference problems that leads to a confusing error message that doesn't tell this as it is, but that's what I'm seeing.

You have to somehow explicitly map from Future<QueryResult> to Future<JsonObject>. In any case, the transaction() method doesn't do this conversion:

<U> Future<U> transaction(
  Function<ReactiveClassicGenericQueryExecutor, Future<U>> transaction
) { ... }

The <U> type here gets bound to QueryResult from your query() method.

Upvotes: 3

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