Reputation: 23
I am trying to replace a line in certain files (based on file extension). The program is not working as desired, and the command which is causing issue is the one below.
FOR /F %%k IN ('TYPE !FILE! ^| FINDSTR /N "^"') DO (
This comes back with following error:
FINDSTR: No search strings The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.
However, the command itself works as expected when run in command line. I have already spent nearly 1 full day but to no avail.
FOR /F %k IN ('TYPE <filename> ^| FINDSTR /N "^"') DO echo(%k
Pointers will be greatly appreciated!
Complete code is provided below for reference.
@echo off
CD data
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('DIR *.ext1 /B') DO (
SET "FILE=%%i"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
<!FILE! >!FILE!.tmp~ (
REM Find line number on which Logon command is found
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j IN ('FINDSTR /I /N /R "^\.LOGON.*" !FILE!') DO (
SET "NUM=%%j"
REM Print all lines along with line number at beginning
FOR /F %%k IN ('TYPE !FILE! ^| FINDSTR /N "^"') DO (
SET "LINE=%%k"
REM Replace entire content of Logon line with Run file command
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%l IN ("!LINE!") DO IF %%l EQU !NUM! (
echo(.RUN FILE logon.txt;
) ELSE (
MOVE /Y "!FILE!.tmp~" !%FILE!"
CD ..
Upvotes: 2
Views: 426
Reputation: 23
Thanks Phil for your suggestion but it did not work.
Oddly, I tried using end of line character $ instead of beginning of line ^ and it seems to have done the trick.
Seems like ^ was being taken as literal, and even escaping it with \ doesn't work as expected.
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('DIR *.ext1 /B') DO (
SET "FILE=%%i"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
<!FILE! >!FILE!.tmp~ (
REM Find line number on which Logon command is found
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%j IN ('FINDSTR /I /N /R "^\.LOGON.*" !FILE!') DO (
SET "NUM=%%j"
REM Print all lines along with line number at beginning
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=" %%k IN ('FINDSTR /N "$" !FILE!') DO (
SET "LINE=%%k"
REM Replace entire content of Logon line with Run file command
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%l IN ("!LINE!") DO IF %%l EQU !NUM! (
echo(.RUN FILE logon.txt;
) ELSE (
MOVE /Y !FILE!.tmp~ !FILE!
echo Auto-generated !FILE!
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
pushd "%~dp0data" && (
rem // Loop through all files with .mload file extension:
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir /B /A:-D-H-S "*.mload"') do (
< "%%I" > "%%I.tmp~" (
rem // Use beginning of line position with .logon in the search string:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%J in ('findstr /I /N /R "^\.logon" "%%I"') do (
rem // Use beginning of line position in the search string:
for /F "delims=" %%K in ('type "%%I" ^| findstr /N "^"') do (
rem // Match current line number with previously searched line:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%L in ("%%K") do if %%L equ %%J (
echo(.RUN FILE logon.txt;
) else (
> nul move /Y "%%I.tmp~" "%%I"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 38589
As long as your source run files don't have any lines which begin with a : character, the following may provide an alternative method of performing the task:
@%__AppDir__%where.exe /Q "data":"*.mload" >NUL 2>&1 && (CD "data"
For /F "EOL=? Delims=" %%H In (
'%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /IM "\<\.LOGON\>" "*.mload" 2^>NUL'
) Do @(Copy /Y "%%H" "%%~nH.tmp~" >NUL && (
For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims=:" %%I In (
'%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /N "^" "%%~nH.tmp~"'
) Do @Set /P "=:%%J"<NUL|%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /LIB ":.LOGON " >NUL && (
Echo .RUN FILE logon.txt;) || Echo=%%J)>"%%H"
Del "%%~nH.tmp~" 2>NUL))
Just to be clear, my reading of your requirement is to, replace all lines inside all .mload
files within .\data
, which begin with the case insensitive string .LOGON , with the line .RUN FILE logon.txt;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 34899
The problem in the line FOR /F %%k IN ('TYPE !FILE! ^| FINDSTR /N "^"') DO (
is the fact that you have got delayed variable expansion enabled, which also consumes the caret symbol ^
for escaping even when being quoted. Refer also to this post for details: How does the Windows Command Interpreter (CMD.EXE) parse scripts?
To resolve the issue you simply need to double the carets:
FOR /F %%k IN ('TYPE !FILE! ^| FINDSTR /N "^^"') DO (
Note that specifying $
as the search string for findstr
skips the last line of the input data in case it is not terminated by a line-break. Also note that $
anchors to the carriage-return character, which is only present in text files with the Windows-style end-of-line marker carriage-return plus line-feed.
Anyway, here is a fixed variant of your code, which avoids delayed expansion as long as possible, hence there is actually no need to double the caret symbol:
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // It is assumed here that the parent directory of the script is the root location:
pushd "%~dp0data" && (
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir /B /A:-D-H-S "*.ext1"') do (
set "FILE=%%I"
rem // Here `%%I` is used instead of `!FILE!` since delayed expansion is disabled:
< "%%I" > "%%I.tmp~" (
rem // Use right word boundary `\>` in the search string:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%J in ('findstr /I /N /R "^\.LOGON\>" "%%I"') do (
rem /* Since this loop should iterate once only anyway, the interim variable
rem `NUM` is actually not really needed when the remaining code is also
rem placed within the loop body: */
rem set "NUM=%%J"
rem // At this point delayed expansion is still disabled:
for /F %%K in ('type "%%I" ^| findstr /N "^"') do (
set "LINE=%%K"
rem // Here `%%J` is used instead of `!NUM!`:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%L in ("!LINE!") do if %%L equ %%J (
echo(.RUN FILE logon.txt;
) else (
rem // This is the only part where delayed expansion is needed:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
> nul move /Y "%%I.tmp~" "%%I"
exit /B
Upvotes: 2