Reputation: 361
Now i need to create new [pscustomobject] with the data of another [pscustomobject]. To create one report. With this new [pscustomobject], i will export to an excel.
My code:
Function ConvertTo-MultiArray {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
$objects = @()
[ref]$array = [ref]$null
Process {
$objects += $InputObject
$properties = $objects[0] |%{$}
$array.Value = New-Object 'object[,]' ($objects.Count+1),$properties.count
# i = row and j = column
$j = 0
$properties |%{
$array.Value[0,$j] = $_.tostring()
$i = 1
$objects |% {
$item = $_
$j = 0
$properties | % {
if ($item.($_) -eq $null) {
$array.value[$i,$j] = ""
else {
$array.value[$i,$j] = $item.($_).tostring()
function Convert-TimeString ([String]$Time, [String[]]$Format)
$result = New-Object TimeSpan
$convertible = [TimeSpan]::TryParseExact(
if ($convertible) { $result.ToString('hh\:mm\:ss\.fff') }
$allMediaFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\User\Documents\ScripsPS1\xip\Testes\* | % {
$content = get-content -Path $_ -Raw
$xml = [xml]$content
video_audio = $xml.XIP.ContentObject.CustomType
SecurityTag = $xml.XIP.ContentObject.SecurityTag
Duration = ($xml.XIP.Generation.Properties.Property | where {$_.PropertyName -eq "Duration"}).value
Format = $xml.XIP.Bitstream.Filename -replace ".*\.", ""
$tt =[pscustomobject]@{
FileTypes = $allMediaFiles | ? {$_.video_audio} | select -ExpandProperty video_audio -Unique
O_OpenAccess = 'a'
U_UserAccess = 'c'
S_SubscriberAccess = 'd'
Duration = 'e'
$allMediaFiles | ? {$_.video_audio -eq "video"} | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Duration -match "H|M|S") {
$_.Duration = (Convert-TimeString -Time $_.Duration -Format 'm\Ms\.fff\S')
[TimeSpan[]]$DurationVideo += $_.Duration
$Result1 = ($DurationVideo | Measure-Object -Property TotalMilliseconds -Sum).Sum
$mts = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds($Result1)
$VideoTime =("{0:hh\:mm\:ss\,fff}" -f $mts)
[pscustomobject]@{'Timespan' = $VideoTime}
Clear-Variable -Name "DurationVideo"
$allMediaFiles | ? {$_.video_audio -eq "audio"} | ForEach-Object {
[TimeSpan[]]$DurationAudio +=$_.Duration
$Result2 = ($DurationAudio | Measure-Object -Property TotalMilliseconds -Sum).Sum
$Nts = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds($Result2)
$AudioTime =("{0:hh\:mm\:ss\,fff}" -f $Nts)
[pscustomobject]@{'Timespan' = $AudioTime}
Clear-Variable -Name "DurationAudio"
$DurationColl = $allMediaFiles | ? {$_.video_audio} | Group-Object -Property Duration | Select Name
$outItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
[TimeSpan[]]$outItems = foreach ($eachtimer in $DurationColl){
if ($eachtimer -match 'H|M|S'){Convert-TimeString -Time $eachtimer -Format 'm\Ms\.fff\S' }
else {
Convert-TimeString -Time $eachtimer -Format "h\:mm\:ss"}
$seconds = ($outItems | Measure-Object -Property TotalMilliseconds -Sum).Sum
$ts = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds($seconds)
$AllTime = ("{0:hh\:mm\:ss\,fff}" -f $ts)
$b=[pscustomobject]@{'Timespan' = $AllTime}
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.visible = $true
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$array = ($tt |ConvertTo-MultiArray).Value
$starta = [int][char]'a' - 1
if ($array.GetLength(1) -gt 26) {
$col = [char]([int][math]::Floor($array.GetLength(1)/26) + $starta) + [char] (($array.GetLength(1)%26) + $Starta)}
else {
$col = [char]($array.GetLength(1) + $starta)
$range = $workbook.ActiveSheet.Range("a1","$col$($array.GetLength(0)+1)")
$range.Value2 = $array
With this code:
$allMediaFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\User\Documents\ScripsPS1\xip\Testes\* | % {
$content = get-content -Path $_ -Raw
$xml = [xml]$content
video_audio = $xml.XIP.ContentObject.CustomType
SecurityTag = $xml.XIP.ContentObject.SecurityTag
Duration = ($xml.XIP.Generation.Properties.Property | where {$_.PropertyName -eq "Duration"}).value
Format = $xml.XIP.Bitstream.Filename -replace ".*\.", ""
I've got this (thanks to Mathias)
video_audio SecurityTag Duration Format
----------- ----------- -------- ------
video U_UserAccess 2M9.686S mp4
video U_UserAccess 2M37.526S mp4
video U_UserAccess 5M41.419S mp4
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 pdf
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:11:19 WAV
audio O_OpenAccess_10 0:03:24 WAV
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:03:37 WAV
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:28:49 WAV
document O_OpenAccess eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:53:03 WAV
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:23:39 WAV
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:13:34 WAV
document LOADING_BAY_10 eaf
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:44:07 WAV
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:10:56 WAV
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:25:56 WAV
audio LOADING_BAY_10 0:16:46 wav
And now i need this:
FileTypes O U L Duration
---------- --------- -------- ------ --------
video 3 3
Audio 11 10 1
eaf 11 1 10
pdf 1 1
mp4 3 3
WAV 11 2 9
But i'm having some trouble on this part:
$tt =[pscustomobject]@{
FileTypes = $allMediaFiles | ? {$_.video_audio} | select -ExpandProperty video_audio -Unique
O_OpenAccess = 'a'
U_UserAccess = 'c'
S_SubscriberAccess = 'd'
Duration = 'e'
This is the result that i will create a excel file. So, the code read some xml files, get the information needed and at the end's create a report with that data:
Ex - How many video do we have with U_UserAccess securityTag , or how many audios do we have with O_OpenAccess , and so on. I make the count of many audios, videos, mp4, waw, and so on.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 156
Reputation: 134
Not really elegant but does the job:
$obj = @()
$List1 = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "video_audio").Name
ForEach ($item in $List1) {
$group = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "video_audio" | ? {$ -eq $item}).Group
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{
'name' = $item;
'FileTypes' = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "video_audio" | ? {$ -eq $item}).count;
'O' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "O_OpenAccess"}).count;
'U' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "U_UserAccess"}).count;
'L' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "LOADING_BAY_10"}).count;
$List2 = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "Format").Name
ForEach ($item in $List2) {
$group = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "Format" | ? {$ -eq $item}).Group
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{
'name' = $item;
'FileTypes' = ($allMediaFiles | Group-Object "video_audio" | ? {$ -eq $item}).count;
'O' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "O_OpenAccess"}).count;
'U' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "U_UserAccess"}).count;
'L' = ($group | Group-Object "SecurityTag" | ? {$_.Name -eq "LOADING_BAY_10"}).count;
Upvotes: 1