Reputation: 35
Just looking for a bit of help.
Basically what I am trying do is create a file for each network interface my computer has with the filename being a combination of the interface name and mac address.
For these interfaces
eth0 with mac 123-456-789
eth1 with mac 987-654-321
eth2 with mac 456-123-789
I expect 3 files created with names:
I currently have this playbook
- hosts: all
- name: Create files
- name: This gets me a list of all eth* interfaces
shell: ls /sys/class/net/ | grep eth
register: eth_interface
- name: This gets the mac address for each of those eth* interfaces
command: cat /sys/class/net/{{ item }}/address
with_items: "{{ eth_interface.stdout_lines }}"
register: mac_address
- name: Add mac address to its relevant file
command: touch /tmp/"{{ item.mac }}"_"{{ item.eth }}"
- { eth: "{{ eth_interface.stdout_lines }}", mac: "{{ mac_address | json_query('results[*].stdout') }}" }
I expected to get 3 separate files for each interface, but instead I got 1 single file with the name below: [u'123-456-789', u'987-654-321', u'456-123-789'][u'eth0', u'eth1', u'eth2']
It seems to work fine if I use just a single variable like either eth or mac, but breaks when I use the 2 variables together using with_items loop.
Can someone please help?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 543
Reputation: 68034
The playbook below
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
ifc: [eth0, eth1, eth2]
mac: [AAA, BBB, CCC]
- file:
state: touch
path: "{{ 'tmp/' ~ item.0 ~ '_' ~ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ ifc|zip(mac)|list }}"
shell> tree tmp
├── eth0_AAA
├── eth1_BBB
└── eth2_CCC
Upvotes: 2