Reputation: 482
I have a form that accepts multiple inputs, part of which are uploads. The form accepts other forms of input but I get the error when I try to upload files.
The part of the form for the uploads is:
{!! Form::label('downloadable_files', 'Downloadable files', ['class' => 'control-label']) !!}
{!! Form::file('downloadable_files[]', [
'class' => 'form-control file-upload',
'data-url' => route(''),
'data-bucket' => 'downloadable_files',
'data-filekey' => 'downloadable_files',]) !!}
The controller method is:
public function store(StoreLessonsRequest $request)
if (! Gate::allows('lesson_create')) {
return abort(401);
$request = $this->saveFiles($request);
$lesson = Lesson::create($request->all()
+ ['position' => Lesson::where('course_id', $request->course_id)->max('position') + 1]);
foreach ($request->input('downloadable_files_id', []) as $index => $id) {
$model = config('laravel-medialibrary.media_model');
$file = $model::find($id);
$file->model_id = $lesson->id;
return redirect()->route('admin.lessons.index', ['course_id' => $request->course_id]);}
The savesFiles()
method is in a FileUploadTraid.php:
public function saveFiles(Request $request)
if (! file_exists(public_path('uploads'))) {
mkdir(public_path('uploads'), 0777);
mkdir(public_path('uploads/thumb'), 0777);
$finalRequest = $request;
foreach ($request->all() as $key => $value) {
if ($request->hasFile($key)) {
if ($request->has($key . '_max_width') && $request->has($key . '_max_height')) {
// Check file width
$filename = time() . '-' . $request->file($key)->getClientOriginalName();
$file = $request->file($key);
$image = Image::make($file);
if (! file_exists(public_path('uploads/thumb'))) {
mkdir(public_path('uploads/thumb'), 0777, true);
Image::make($file)->resize(50, 50)->save(public_path('uploads/thumb') . '/' . $filename);
$width = $image->width();
$height = $image->height();
if ($width > $request->{$key . '_max_width'} && $height > $request->{$key . '_max_height'}) {
$image->resize($request->{$key . '_max_width'}, $request->{$key . '_max_height'});
} elseif ($width > $request->{$key . '_max_width'}) {
$image->resize($request->{$key . '_max_width'}, null, function ($constraint) {
} elseif ($height > $request->{$key . '_max_width'}) {
$image->resize(null, $request->{$key . '_max_height'}, function ($constraint) {
Image::make($file)->resize(320, 150)->save(public_path('uploads') . '/' . $filename);
$finalRequest = new Request(array_merge($finalRequest->all(), [$key => $filename]));
} else {
***$filename = time() . '-' . $request->file($key)->getClientOriginalName();***
$request->file($key)->move(public_path('uploads'), $filename);
$finalRequest = new Request(array_merge($finalRequest->all(), [$key => $filename]));
return $finalRequest;
There is a part of the form that accepts single uploads, but the part for multiple uploads doesn't seem to be working. I keep getting the errors:
Call to a member function getClientOriginalName() on array
in FileUploadTrait.php line 50
at LessonsController->saveFiles(object(StoreLessonsRequest))
in LessonsController.php line 156
at LessonsController->update(object(StoreLessonsRequest), '1')
Update: The line with the error in FileUploadTrait.php is in bold (or with asterisks.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1682
Reputation: 1116
in your store method
$files=$request->file('your input name');
$request = $this->saveFiles($files)
in your function :
public function saveFiles($files){
foreach ($files as $file) {
$name = time(). $file->getClientOriginalName();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1116
-in your case you are not giving only the name of the file but all the
inforamtions of the file make a dd($request->file($key)) and search for the
your filename for example : ex.pnj and access it
that's my code : in my controller
public function uploadFiles(Request $request){
$files = $request->file('files');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$name = time(). $file->getClientOriginalName();
flashy()->success('le contenu a bien été ajouté.');
return back();
in my html file
<form action="{{route('upload')}}" method="POST"
label="Déposez les fichiers ici ou cliquez pour les télécharger.."
help="Téléchargez les fichiers ici et ils ne seront pas envoyés immédiatement"
<button type="submit" id="btn-upload" class="btn btn-primary mt-1">télécharger</button>
Upvotes: 2