Reputation: 111
I am trying to create list of VM to which there is list of disk needs to be created and attached per VM.
In below example I have to create test-d01 Compute with 3 disk test-d01-data and test-d01-data-disk, and test-d01-commitlog-disk similarly test-d02 Compute with 2 disk test-d02-data-01 and test-d02-data-02.
For expample below VM_info represents required configuration and it would
name = "test-d01"
zone = "us-east1-b"
disk = [
disk_name = "test-d01-data"
disk_type = "pd-ssd"
disk_size = "60"
disk_name = "test-d01-data-disk"
disk_type = "pd-standard"
disk_size = "15"
disk_name = "test-d01-commitlog-disk"
disk_type = "pd-ssd"
disk_size = "30"
name = "test-d02"
zone = "us-east1-b"
disk_name = "test-d02-data"
disk_type = "pd-ssd"
disk_size = "60"
disk_name = "test-d02-data-disk"
disk_type = "pd-standard"
disk_size = "15"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 8489
Reputation: 131
you can alos get the disks attached with:
resource "google_compute_disk" "default" {
name = "test-disk"
type = "pd-ssd"
zone = var.instance_zone
# image = "debian-9-stretch-v20200805"
labels = {
environment = "dev"
physical_block_size_bytes = 4096
resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "vm_attached_disk" {
count = var.disks
disk =
instance =
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 131
great idea. When I use this I do get a
terraform plan
Enter a value: 2
Enter a value: DDVE5
Error: Reference to undeclared resource
on line 39, in resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "vm_attached_disk":
39: instance = google_compute_instance.vm_instance.self_link
A managed resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" has not been
declared in the root module.
variable "instance_name" {}
variable "instance_zone" {
default = "europe-west3-c"
variable "instance_type" {
default = "n1-standard-1"
variable "instance_subnetwork" {
default = "default"
variable "disks" {}
provider "google" {
credentials = file("key.json")
project = "ddve50"
region = "europe-west3"
zone = "europe-west3-a"
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm-instance" {
name = "ddve-gcp-5-7-2-0-20-65"
machine_type = "f1-micro"
tags = ["creator", "juergen"]
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "ddve"
type = "pd-ssd"
network_interface {
network = "default"
resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "vm_attached_disk" {
for_each = toset(var.disks)
disk = each.key
instance = google_compute_instance.vm_instance.self_link
cat ../
resource "google_compute_disk" "ddve-gcp-5-7-2-0-20-65-nvram" {
name = "ddve-gcp-5-7-2-0-20-65-nvram"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 10
resource "google_compute_disk" "ddve-gcp-5-7-2-0-20-65-m1" {
name = "ddve-gcp-5-7-2-0-20-65-m1"
type = "pd-standard"
size = 1024
module "ddve-test-d01" {
source = "./instance"
instance_name = "ddve-test-d01"
disks = [
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2605
Terraform by HashiCorp > Compute Engine > Resources > google_compute_attached_disk:
Persistent disks can be attached to a compute instance using the
section within the compute instance configuration. However there may be situations where managing the attached disks via the compute instance config isn't preferable or possible, such as attaching dynamic numbers of disks using thecount
Therefore a straightforward approach with creation of google_compute_instance
with attributes attached_disk
may not be applicable in this case.
In brief the idea is to create persistent disks first, then create VM instances and attach new disks to the freshly created instances. This test deployment consists of a root configuration file
and reusable module ./instance/
1. Persistent disks google_compute_disk
can be created independently. For the sake of simplicity 5 literal blocks in the root file
were used.
2. Call the reusable module instance/
and pass the VM attributes and a list of disks to the module so that:
to attach new empty disks to the freshly created VM instance.To process the disk list the for_each
meta-argument is used.
Since the for_each
accepts only a map or a set of string, the toset
function is used to convert a list of disks to a set.
Terraform by HashiCorp > Compute Engine > Data Sources > google_compute_instance
Terraform by HashiCorp > Compute Engine > Resources > google_compute_disk
Terraform by HashiCorp > Compute Engine > Resources > google_compute_attached_disk
Terraform by HashiCorp > Configuration language > Resources > lifecycle.ignore_changes
Terraform by HashiCorp > Configuration language > Resources > When to Use for_each
Instead of count
Terraform by HashiCorp > Configuration language > Resources > The each
Terraform by HashiCorp > Configuration language > Resources > Using Sets
$ cat
resource "google_compute_disk" "test-d01-data" {
name = "test-d01-data"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 60
zone = "europe-west3-c"
resource "google_compute_disk" "test-d01-data-disk" {
name = "test-d01-data-disk"
type = "pd-standard"
size = 15
zone = "europe-west3-c"
resource "google_compute_disk" "test-d01-commitlog-disk" {
name = "test-d01-commitlog-disk"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 30
zone = "europe-west3-c"
resource "google_compute_disk" "test-d02-data" {
name = "test-d02-data"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 60
zone = "europe-west3-c"
resource "google_compute_disk" "test-d02-data-disk" {
name = "test-d02-data-disk"
type = "pd-standard"
size = 15
zone = "europe-west3-c"
module "test-d01" {
source = "./instance"
instance_name = "test-d01"
disks = [,,
module "test-d02" {
source = "./instance"
instance_name = "test-d02"
disks = [,
$ cat instance/
variable "instance_name" {}
variable "instance_zone" {
default = "europe-west3-c"
variable "instance_type" {
default = "n1-standard-1"
variable "instance_subnetwork" {
default = "default"
variable "disks" {}
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
name = var.instance_name
zone = var.instance_zone
machine_type = var.instance_type
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"
network_interface {
subnetwork = "${var.instance_subnetwork}"
access_config {
# Allocate a one-to-one NAT IP to the instance
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [attached_disk]
resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "vm_attached_disk" {
for_each = toset(var.disks)
disk = each.key
instance = google_compute_instance.vm_instance.self_link
$ terraform fmt
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Upvotes: 0