Reputation: 395
in order to get started with Julia I am trying to construct a very simple function that gets me the a posterior distribution:
grid_length = 20
k_successes = 6
n_trials = 9
prior = ones(grid_length)
function plot_posterior(grid_length::Int64 , k_successes::Int64 , n_trials::Int64 , prior::Any = nothing )
# define grid, possible parameter values ( our paremeter is the probability of success vs failure)
p_grid = collect(range(0, 1, length = grid_length))
# define uninformative prior if it is not specified
if isnothing(prior)
prior = ones(grid_length)
# compute likelihood at each value in grid
likelihood = [prob_binomial(k_successes , n_trials , prob) for prob in p_grid]
# compute product of likelihood and prior
unstd_posterior = likelihood .* prior
# standardize the posterior, so it sums to 1
posterior = unstd_posterior ./ sum(unstd_posterior)
x = p_grid; y = posterior
Plots.plot(x, y)
when I try
plot_posterior(grid_length=20 , k_successes=6 , n_trials=10 , prior = nothing )
I get the following error :
MethodError: no method matching plot_posterior(; grid_length=20, k_successes=6, n_trials=10, prior=nothing) Closest candidates are: plot_posterior(!Matched::Int64, !Matched::Int64, !Matched::Int64) at In[6]:9 got unsupported keyword arguments "grid_length", "k_successes", "n_trials", "prior" plot_posterior(!Matched::Int64, !Matched::Int64, !Matched::Int64, !Matched::Any) at In[6]:9 got unsupported keyword arguments "grid_length", "k_successes", "n_trials", "prior" plot_posterior(!Matched::Any, !Matched::Any, !Matched::Any) at In[3]:9 got unsupported keyword arguments "grid_length", "k_successes", "n_trials", "prior" ...
Any help on what may be happening ?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 3
Views: 560
Reputation: 69949
In the signature:
function plot_posterior(grid_length::Int64,
prior::Any = nothing)
you define positional arguments, so a correct call to your function would be:
plot_posterior(20, 6, 10, nothing)
If you would want to use argument names in the call you need to define your arguments as keyword like this:
function plot_posterior(;grid_length::Int64,
prior::Any = nothing)
Note that I added ;
in front of the argument list.
In general you can mix positional and keyword arguments in a single function definition, e.g.:
f(a; b) = # your definition
and now a
is a positional argument and b
is a keyword argument. You can read more about this in the Julia Manual here and in particular about keyword arguments here.
Upvotes: 5