Reputation: 93
I don't understand why my algorithm is not separating samples "1" (blue), it is as if the algorithm ignored them. I am not aware of updates to DecisionTreeClasiffier
in case I am missing adding any parameters, the algorithm is as follows . I have 3 labels, that is, 3 types of samples(Import
is missing in the code)
iris = datasets.load_iris()[:,[2,3]]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=1, stratify=y)
sc= StandardScaler()
X_test_std= sc.transform(X_test)
def plot_decision_regions(X, y, classifier, test_idx=None, resolution = 0.02):
#definir un generador de marcadores y un mapa de colores
markers = ('s', 'x', 'o', '^','v')
colors = ('red', 'blue', 'lightgreen', 'gray', 'cyan')
cmap = ListedColormap(colors[:len(np.unique(y))])
#representar la superficie de decision
x1_min, x1_max = X[:, 0].min() -1, X[:,0].max() + 1
x2_min, x2_max = X[:, 1].min() -1, X[:,1].max() + 1
xx1, xx2= np.meshgrid (np.arange(x1_min, x1_max, resolution), np.arange(x2_min, x2_max, resolution))
Z = classifier.predict(np.array([xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()]).T)
Z = Z.reshape(xx1.shape)
plt.contourf(xx1, xx2, Z, alpha= 0.3, cmap = cmap)
plt.xlim(xx1.min(), xx1.max())
plt.ylim(xx2.min(), xx2.max())
# print(Z)
#Representar muestras de clase
for idx, cl in enumerate (np.unique(y)):
plt.scatter (x=X[y == cl, 0], y= X[y == cl, 1], alpha=0.8, c=colors[idx], marker= markers [idx], label = cl, edgecolor = 'black')
if test_idx:
#representa todas las muestras
X_test, y_test= X[test_idx,:], y[test_idx]
# print( X[test_idx,:])
plt.scatter(X_test[:,0], X_test[:,1], c='', edgecolor= 'black', alpha= 0.9, linewidth=1, marker='o', s=100, label='test set' )
X_combined_std= np.vstack((X_train_std, X_test_std))
y_combined=np.hstack((y_train, y_test))
tree=DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', max_depth=4, random_state=1), y_train)
plot_decision_regions(X= X_combined_std, y= y_combined, classifier=tree, test_idx=range(105,150))
plt.xlabel('sepal length[cm]')
plt.ylabel('petal width [cm]')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Upvotes: 1
Views: 98
Reputation: 5164
Revised answer:
You just forgot to train the model with the scaled features X_train_std
. So, instead of, y_train)
it should be, y_train)
Now, the model is able to distinguish between all three classes:
Upvotes: 2