
Reputation: 71

how to get JSON array object into Bootstrap table?

I have a JSON file and i should get the output in a bootstrap table. my JSON file is like this :

//your response
var data = {
  "data": [{
      "eventInfo": {
        "context": {
          "siteTimezone": "Asia/Brunei",
          "entityPk": "8802089762861",
          "entityClass": "de.hybris.platform.core.model.order.OrderModel",
          "": "8805563195834"
        "isoCountryCode": "BN",
        "eventType": "ORDER_CONFIRMED",
        "entityType": "salesorder",
        "sourceTimestamp": "2020-06-25T14:05:56.683+08:00",
        "sourceApplication": "HYBRIS",
        "affiliateCode": "100",
        "entityId": "7100029639",
        "sourceEventId": "4521231e-c347-459b-8d46-43cd2010c8c1",
        "accountId": "8055817",
        "sourceHost": "ip-10-127-165-135.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal"
      "entity": {
        "lynxIsPCP": false,
        "paymentRequired": true,
        "bonusTransactionRequired": true,
        "addresses": [{
            "telephoneNumber": "03-7946 2800",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
            "cityName": "Brunei",
            "line2": "Kampung Kiulap",
            "line1": "6 & 7, Block A, Kompleks Shakirin",
            "careOfName": "",
            "state": "BR",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE1518",
            "id": "8804188225559"
            "telephoneNumber": "5494492",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "GADONG",
            "line4": "8171571",
            "cityName": "BDR SERI BEGAWAN",
            "line2": "KAMPONG RIMBA",
            "line1": "5 SIMPANG 12-32",
            "careOfName": "",
            "state": "BR",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE3119",
            "id": "8802223521815"
            "telephoneNumber": "5494492",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "GADONG",
            "line4": "8171571",
            "cityName": "BDR SERI BEGAWAN",
            "line2": "KAMPONG RIMBA",
            "line1": "5 SIMPANG 12-32",
            "careOfName": "",
            "state": "BR",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE3119",
            "id": "8802223521815"
            "telephoneNumber": "03-7946 2800",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
            "cityName": "Brunei",
            "line2": "Kampung Kiulap",
            "line1": "6 & 7, Block A, Kompleks Shakirin",
            "careOfName": "",
            "state": "BR",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE1518",
            "id": "8800157073431"
        "totalOrderValue": 147.5,
        "lynxPaymentChangePaid": 0.0,
        "lynxIsRepair": false,
        "adjustments": [],
        "requestedDeliveryServiceLevel": "walkin",
        "lynxTenure": 0,
        "saleCountryCode": "BN",
        "orderDateTime": "2020-06-25T14:05:56.328+08:00",
        "invoiceSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "userAgent": "Suresh Mathiarasu",
        "orderStatus": "CONFIRMED",
        "isoCurrencyCode": "BND",
        "fees": [{
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          "feeTaxTotalAmount": 0.0,
          "lynxRefunded": false,
          "feeAmount": 0.0,
          "feeTaxDetails": [{
            "taxAmount": 0.0,
            "taxCode": "BN_NO_SCOPE_VAT_SALES"
        "bonusPeriod": "202006",
        "orderingPartyId": "40986385",
        "lynxPayerPartyId": "40986385",
        "salesChannelCode": "Point of Sale",
        "lynxIsEpp": false,
        "lynxPayerPartyName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP",
        "lynxDemandLocationName": "BN",
        "lynxDeliveryType": "pis",
        "paymentSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "orderPriceList": "AmwayDefaultABOPriceGroup",
        "lynxVolumePartyId": "40986385",
        "lynxHasSopEntries": false,
        "orderLines": [{
          "linePrice": 147.5,
          "itemType": "AmwayVariantProduct",
          "itemBV": 29.5,
          "lynxBirTaxPerUnit": 0.0,
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          "lynxLineAdjustedPV": 0.0,
          "shippedQuantity": 0,
          "lineStatus": "OPEN",
          "lynxProductSerialNumber": [],
          "lineUnitOfMeasure": "EA",
          "allocatedQuantity": 5,
          "linePVAmount": 95.0,
          "lynxBmCode": [],
          "lastUpdateDate": "2020-06-25T14:05:56.469+08:00",
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          "cancelledQuantity": 0,
          "lynxBaseItemId": "115383D",
          "demandLocation": "T45",
          "backorderedQuantity": 0,
          "taxNotRequired": false,
          "pickupAddressReference": "8804188225559",
          "unallocatedQuantity": 0,
          "pendingQuantity": 5,
          "itemABOPrice": 29.5,
          "lineTaxTotalAmount": 0.0,
          "lynxIsSopLine": false,
          "lynxWasBackorder": false,
          "itemSuggestedRetailPrice": 37.0,
          "lineTotalValue": 147.5,
          "baseItemId": "115383D",
          "lynxMasterCode": [],
          "itemDescription": "ARTISTRY SIGNATURE COLOR Lipstick - Daring Red (06) (3.8g)",
          "lineTaxDetails": [{
            "taxAmount": 0.0,
            "taxCode": "BN_NO_SCOPE_VAT_SALES"
          "shipAddressReference": "8804188225559",
          "lynxPickupAddressName": "BN",
          "lynxIsSopEntry": false,
          "lynxBirAcknowledgementResetCounter": "1",
          "lynxLineAdjustedBV": 0.0,
          "orderedQuantity": 5,
          "itemListPrice": 29.5,
          "fulfillmentType": "walkin",
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          "orderLineId": 0,
          "itemPV": 19.0,
          "lineBVAmount": 147.5
        "lynxFulfillmentAddressReference": "8800157073431",
        "cashierBatchId": "amwaybrunei-AM-BN-BN-T45-MY020394-1593058911313",
        "lynxOrderingPartyName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP",
        "totalBVAmount": 147.5,
        "lynxVolumeTransactions": [],
        "volumeSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "taxDetails": [{
          "taxAmount": 0.0,
          "taxCode": "BN_NO_SCOPE_VAT_SALES"
        "lynxUserType": "AmwayBusinessNature_1",
        "lynxPaymentTenderedAmount": 147.5,
        "lynxVolumePartyName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP",
        "lynxOrderCreatedBy": "MY020394",
        "lynxOms": "Hybris",
        "orderForSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "lynxPaymentInstalmentType": "PIF",
        "lynxMemberPoints": 0.0,
        "lynxContactPhone": "5494492",
        "totalPVAmount": 95.0,
        "inventoryTransactionRequired": true,
        "lynxIsEventBooking": false,
        "lynxBirCashierId": "MY020394",
        "refunds": [],
        "invoiceWithConsignmentRequired": false,
        "orderPeriod": "202006",
        "orderingSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "lynxContactEmailId": "[email protected]",
        "amwaySalesEntity": "780",
        "paymentStatus": "PAID",
        "storefront": "amwaybrunei",
        "lynxPaymentType": "PIF",
        "salesOrderId": "7100029639",
        "lynxOrderCategory": "selfOrder",
        "payments": [{
          "verificationDate": "2020-06-25T14:05:54.453+08:00",
          "lynxIsConnectedFlow": false,
          "paymentLocation": "T45",
          "lynxPaymentProcessedBy": "8055817",
          "paymentStatus": "ACCEPTED",
          "terminalId": "MY020394",
          "paymentReferenceId": "TXN-1593065154321",
          "payerSalesAccount": {
            "accountId": "8055817",
            "lynxPinLevel": "330",
            "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
            "affiliateCode": "100"
          "paymentDate": "2020-06-25T14:05:54.456+08:00",
          "isoCurrencyCode": "BND",
          "lynxPaymentInformation": "",
          "paymentId": "831122002_4e7c1945-b49d-4c86-a0b8-a05b0cb805fa",
          "paymentValue": 147.5,
          "paymentMethod": "cash",
          "merchantId": "amway"
        "shipToSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "totalABORetailProfit": 0.0,
        "totalTaxAmount": 0.0,
        "lynxOrderType": "NORMAL_ORDER",
        "lynxComments": []

var order_data = ''
//looping under data->data
$.each(, function(key, value) {

  order_data += '<tr>';
  //getting values 
  order_data += '<td>' + value.eventInfo.accountId + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.salesOrderId + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.eventInfo.eventType + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.orderDateTime + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.orderStatus + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalPVAmount + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalBVAmount + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalOrderValue + '</td>';
  order_data += '</tr>';



i wrote a program like this to get the results. under each header.

for example. under ABO header i should get the data from entity.orderingSalesAccount.accountId (which is inside the JSON file).

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        <h4 class="mb-3">Order Enquiry</h4>
        <form class="needs-validation" novalidate>

          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-2">
              <label for="firstName">Country</label>
              <select class="form-control" id="country" >
                <option value="">Choose</option>
                <option value="IN">Malaysia</option>
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            <div class="col-2">
              <label for="firstName">Order Type</label>
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                <option value="">Choose</option>
                <option value="IN">Sales Order</option>
                <option value="US">Sales Return</option>

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              <div class="invalid-feedback">
                Valid To Date is required.

            <div class="col-1"> </div>            


            <div class="col-2">
              <label for="lastName">ABO NO</label>
              <input type="text" class="form-control" id="abo" placeholder="" value="" >
              <div class="invalid-feedback">
                Valid ABO is required.

            <div class="col-3">
              <label for="firstName">Account Type</label>
              <select class="form-control" id="account" >
                <option value="">Choose</option>
                <option value="PSA">Payment Sales Account</option>
                <option value="CA">Volume Sales Account</option>
                <option value="CA">Invoice Sales Account</option>
                <option value="CA">Ship to Sales Account</option>
                <option value="CA">Ordering Sales Account</option>
                <option value="CA">Order to Sales Account</option>
              <div class="invalid-feedback">
                Valid Account Type required.

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            <p> </p>
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          <div class="container-fluid">

            <h4>Results :</h4>
            <table class="table table-striped" id="order_table">


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How do i get each object details in a particular Bootstrap table? Any Hint or help would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck with this since last few days.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1695

Answers (3)

Martin Scheuchenpflug
Martin Scheuchenpflug

Reputation: 159

If it is possible maybe look into a Templating libary like lit-html

Those libaries have syntax excactly for that.


I like to use this libary you can just write in your template:

const itemTemplates = [];
for (const i of items) {


and it is really lightweigt so no noticably longer loading time

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 28522

You need to loop through then just use value.eventInfo.accountId to get accountId and so on .

Demo Code :

//your response
var data = {
  "data": [{
      "eventInfo": {
        "context": {
          "siteTimezone": "Asia/Brunei",
          "entityPk": "8802089762861",
          "entityClass": "de.hybris.platform.core.model.order.OrderModel",
          "": "8805563195834"
        "isoCountryCode": "BN",
        "eventType": "ORDER_CONFIRMED",
        "entityType": "salesorder",
        "sourceTimestamp": "2020-06-25T14:05:56.683+08:00",
        "sourceApplication": "HYBRIS",
        "affiliateCode": "100",
        "entityId": "7100029639",
        "sourceEventId": "4521231e-c347-459b-8d46-43cd2010c8c1",
        "accountId": "8055817",
        "sourceHost": "ip-10-127-165-135.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal"
      "entity": {
        "lynxIsPCP": false,
        "paymentRequired": true,
        "bonusTransactionRequired": true,
        "addresses": [{
            "telephoneNumber": "03-7946 2800",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
            "cityName": "Brunei",
            "line2": "Kampung Kiulap",
            "line1": "6 & 7, Block A, Kompleks Shakirin",
            "careOfName": "",
            "state": "BR",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE1518",
            "id": "8804188225559"
            "telephoneNumber": "5494492",
            "isoCountryCode": "BN",
            "line3": "GADONG",
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            "cityName": "BDR SERI BEGAWAN",
            "line2": "KAMPONG RIMBA",
            "line1": "5 SIMPANG 12-32",
            "careOfName": "",
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            "id": "8802223521815"
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            "careOfName": "",
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            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "postalCode": "BE1518",
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        "totalOrderValue": 147.5,
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          "verificationDate": "2020-06-25T14:05:54.453+08:00",
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          "paymentStatus": "ACCEPTED",
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            "lynxPinLevel": "330",
            "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
            "affiliateCode": "100"
          "paymentDate": "2020-06-25T14:05:54.456+08:00",
          "isoCurrencyCode": "BND",
          "lynxPaymentInformation": "",
          "paymentId": "831122002_4e7c1945-b49d-4c86-a0b8-a05b0cb805fa",
          "paymentValue": 147.5,
          "paymentMethod": "cash",
          "merchantId": "amway"
        "shipToSalesAccount": {
          "lynxBusinessStyle": "ROHANA LATIP & WAN ROSLAN",
          "accountId": "8055817",
          "lynxPinLevel": "330",
          "lynxName": "ROHANA BINTI HJ LATIP & WAN ROSLAN B WAN SU",
          "affiliateCode": "100"
        "totalABORetailProfit": 0.0,
        "totalTaxAmount": 0.0,
        "lynxOrderType": "NORMAL_ORDER",
        "lynxComments": []

var order_data = ''
//looping under data->data
$.each(, function(key, value) {

  order_data += '<tr>';
  //getting values 
  order_data += '<td>' + value.eventInfo.accountId + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.salesOrderId + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.eventInfo.eventType + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.orderDateTime + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.orderStatus + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalPVAmount + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalBVAmount + '</td>';
  order_data += '<td>' + value.entity.totalOrderValue + '</td>';
  order_data += '</tr>';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script src=""></script>
<table class="table table-striped" id="order_table">


Upvotes: 1

Lukas Baum
Lukas Baum

Reputation: 12

whenever i work with tables and bootstrap i use this resource to work with data

And btw you are parsing your body data into your table directy and not into your tbody tag. Try this

//use it in your script-tag

          var order_data='';
              order_data +='<tr>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.ABONumber+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.OrderNumber+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.OrderType+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.OrderDate+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.OrderStatus+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.TotalPV+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.TotalBV+ '</td>';
              order_data += '<td>'+value.TotalAmount+ '</td>';
              order_data += '</tr>';


          // change this selector!



Upvotes: 0

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