Reputation: 1499
Have a code defining subnets as below:
resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
count = length(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names)
vpc_id =
cidr_block = cidrsubnet(var.vpc_cidr, 8, count.index)
availability_zone = element(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, count.index)
map_public_ip_on_launch = true
tags = {
Name = "${var.environment}-public-${element(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, count.index)}"
Later have a code defining autoscaling group:
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "ec2_testing" {
availability_zones = [data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[0]]
vpc_zone_identifier = [element(aws_subnet.public.*id, count.index),]
desired_capacity = 1
max_size = 1
min_size = 1
launch_template {
id =
version = "$Latest"
I'm getting error:
A comma is required to separate each function argument from the next.
Edit: would need assign only one subnet.
How vpc_zone_identifier
should be corrected? Help please.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1861
Reputation: 1499
Like ydaetskcoR mentioned, two course of actions should be taken:
should beaws_subnet.public.*.id
. Also you shouldn't be specifying the availability_zones parameter if you are also specifying the vpc_zone_identifier as it's unnecessary and will complicate logic (your current example will fail because those subnets aren't all in the same AZ)And you either need count on that aws_autoscaling_group to be able to use count.index or you need to just use
similarly to how you are using the first AZ in the list of zones in the above parameter.
Adding this for visibility.
Upvotes: 1