I have the following table in MySQL-
runs overs
5 6
6 7
I am trying to test the behavior of having clause without group by clause.
When i write-
select * from cricket having runs=MIN(runs);
runs overs
5 6
select * from cricket having runs=MAX(runs);
Empty Set
What is the reason behind this behavior?
EDIT: On reversing the row order-
runs overs
6 7
5 6
The output is as follows-
select * from cricket having runs=MIN(runs);
Empty Set
select * from cricket having runs=MAX(runs);
runs overs
6 7
Upvotes: 1
Views: 42
Reputation: 133360
You are using select, aggregation function and having clause in improper way ..
could you are using a mysql version prrevious 5.7 so the behaviour is allowed but with unpredictble result .. (for mysql version > 5.6 by defualt this kind on query produce an error)
The preoper way for using aggreagtion function, having a and select columns is based on
the mention in group by clause of the columns not involved in aggregation function
so you first query should be
select *
from cricket
having runs = (
select min(runs) from cricket
select c.*
from cricket c
inner join (
select overs, min(runs) min_runs
from cricket
group by overs
order by min_runs desc limit 1
) t on t.overs = c.overs
and t.min_runs = c.runs
Upvotes: 1