Reputation: 9
Let's say you have a binary search tree:
t (73, t (31, t(5,nil,nil), nil), t (101, t (83, nil, t(97,nil,nil)), t(200,nil,nil)))
which is:
/ \
31 101
/ / \
5 83 200
I need to write a predicate subtree(X1,X2,T) that would take 2 values from the tree (X1 and X2) and find the smallest common parent for them, and store its subtree in T.
So for the example above, if I query : subtree(83,200,X).
I should be getting back:
t(101,t(83,nil,t(97,nil,nil)),t(200,nil,nil)) which is:
/ \
83 200
Since 101 is the smallest common value to both of my numbers, I get that subtree back. How could I do that?
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Views: 490
Reputation: 21
Here is my code for this problem. Just call
You will get your answer in Y.
tree3(X) :- X = t (73, t (31, t(5,nil,nil), nil), t (101, t (83, nil, t(97,nil,nil)), t(200,nil,nil))).
% Chech membership in tree:
in(X, t(X, _, _)).
in(X, t(_, L, _)):-
in(X, L).
in(X, t(_, _, R)):-
in(X, R).
% Getting subtree given the value of root
get_subtree(X, t(X, L, R),Res) :- Res = t(X,L,R).
get_subtree(X, t(_, L, _),Res):-
get_subtree(X, L,Res).
get_subtree(X, t(_, _, R),Res):-
get_subtree(X, R,Res).
% least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, Tree, Res) assignes the value of the least common ancestor to Res.
% Note that it's assumed all nodes have different values.
% Base cases: when one value is the parent of the other, then the parent is the LCA:
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, t(N1, L, R), N1):-
(in(N2, L) ; in(N2, R)), !.
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, t(N2, L, R), N2):-
(in(N1, L) ; in(N1, R)), !.
% If one is in the left (right) subtree and the other is in the right (left) subtree then the current root is the LCA
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, t(X, L, R), Res):-
((in(N1, L), in(N2, R)) ; (in(N1, R), in(N2, L))), !,
Res = X.
% Otherwise, recurse to both subtrees:
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, t(_, L, _), Res):-
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, L, Res), !.
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, t(_, _, R), Res):-
least_common_ancestor(N1, N2, R, Res).
% The main function
commonGP(Ka,Kb,T,ST) :-
least_common_ancestor(Ka,Kb,T,Res), get_subtree(Res,T,ST).
Upvotes: 2