Reputation: 165
I have a class method
method return__string_sCorona =
let est_vide chaine_de_car = List.exists ((=) "") strg in
let print_data name value = match nom with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> if not (is_empty name) then print_string value else () in
print_data [self#get_province_state("Province or state: " ^ self#get_province_state ^ "\n");
print_data [self#get_country_region] ("Country or region: " ^ self#get_country_region ^ "\n");
print_data [self#get_last_update] ("Last Update: " ^ self#get_last_update ^ "\n");
print_string("Lat et Long: " ^ string_of_float self#get_lat ^ " " ^ string_of_float self#get_long ^ "\n");
print_string("Confirmed cases: " ^ string_of_int self#get_confirmed_cases ^ "\n");
print_string("Death cases: " ^ string_of_int self#get_death_cases ^ "\n");
print_string("Reestablished cases : " ^ string_of_int self#get_reestablished_cases ^ "\n");
print_string("Active cases: " ^ string_of_int self#get_active_cases ^ "\n\n");
which will print different information about Covid-19.
Actually, that method has type unit, but for some reasons, I need it return a string.
Instead of doing just calling my_object#return_string_sCorona
, how can I return the string and print the result with print_string (my_object#return_string_sCorona)
? It is important because I have to use it inside an interface using labltk
Upvotes: 1
Views: 219
Reputation: 66808
Add this to the beginning of the method
let buf = Buffer.create 512 in
. . .
Change all calls print_string s
to Buffer.add_string buf s
The end of the method would look like this:
. . .
Buffer.add_string buf
("Active cases: " ^ string_of_int self#get_active_cases ^ "\n\n");
Buffer.contents buf
Here's an example function that uses a buffer to accumulate a result. You should be able to rewrite your method in this style without too much trouble.
let show_intset x =
let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
let rec loop x n =
if x <> 0 then
if x mod 2 = 1 then
if Buffer.contents buf <> "" then
Buffer.add_string buf ", ";
Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_int n)
loop (x / 2) (n + 1)
loop x 0;
Buffer.contents buf
Here's how it looks when you run the function in the toplevel:
# #use "";;
val show_intset : int -> string = <fun>
# show_intset 12;;
- : string = "2, 3"
# show_intset 1023;;
- : string = "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9"
# show_intset 1024;;
- : string = "10"
I hope this is helpful.
Upvotes: 2