Reputation: 865
I have plotted the stacked bar chart using plot_ly()
. The colors of the stacks were so bright that the labels are not visible in the chart.
This is the data frame used
df <- data.frame("QuarterYear" = c("Q1 2019","Q1 2019","Q2 2019","Q2 2019","Q3 2019","Q3 2019","Q3 2019"), "Size" = c("Medium","Small","Large","Medium","Large","Medium","Small"),
"percentage" = c(98,2,29,71,13,74,13),
"n" = c(78,78,90,90, 100,100,100))
The color constants for the stacks are as follows:
tColor <<- setNames(
c("Medium", "Small","Large")
I tried to change the font color using add_text()
. But I am unable to achieve the required output
Size <- c('Small','Medium','Large')
df$Size <- factor(df$Size, levels = Size)
plot_ly(df, x = df$QuarterYear,
y = df$percentage,
type = 'bar',
name = df$Size,
text = paste(df$percentage,"%"),
textposition = 'top',
hoverinfo = 'text',
hovertext = paste('Size: ', df$Size,
'<br> % of Total count: ', paste(df$percentage,"%")),
color = df$Size,
colors = tColor) %>%
layout(yaxis = list(title = "% of Count", zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE, ticksuffix = "%"), barmode = 'stack',hoverlabel = list(bgcolor= 'white'),
xaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE,showline = FALSE,
ticktext = paste(df$QuarterYear,'<br> (n = ', df$n,')', sep = ''),
tickmode = 'array')) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h",
xanchor = "center",
x = 0.5,
y = -0.13))%>%
add_annotations(text = paste0(df$percentage, "%"),
x = df$QuarterYear,
y = unlist(tapply(df$percentage, df$QuarterYear, FUN=cumsum))-(df$percentage/2),
showarrow = FALSE) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(categoryorder = 'array',
categoryarray = df$QuarterYear)) %>%
add_text(textfont = ifelse(df$Size %in% c("Medium","Small"),'white', 'black'))
Can anyone provide a suitable solution to change the font color according to the color of the stack?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 785
Reputation: 123783
This can be achieved via add_text
by passing the font colors to textfont
via a list, i.e. textfont = list(color = ifelse(df$Size %in% c("Medium","Small"),'white', 'black')
. Try this:
df <- data.frame("QuarterYear" = c("Q1 2019","Q1 2019","Q2 2019","Q2 2019","Q3 2019","Q3 2019","Q3 2019"), "Size" = c("Medium","Small","Large","Medium","Large","Medium","Small"),
"percentage" = c(98,2,29,71,13,74,13),
"n" = c(78,78,90,90, 100,100,100))
tColor <- setNames(
c("Medium", "Small","Large")
Size <- c('Small','Medium','Large')
df$Size <- factor(df$Size, levels = Size)
# Vector of font colors based on order of Size
textcolors <- ifelse(df$Size[order(df$Size)] %in% c("Medium","Small"),'white', 'black')
plot_ly(df, x = df$QuarterYear,
y = df$percentage,
type = 'bar',
name = df$Size,
text = paste(df$percentage,"%"),
textposition = 'top',
hoverinfo = 'text',
hovertext = paste('Size: ', df$Size,
'<br> % of Total count: ', paste(df$percentage,"%")),
color = df$Size,
colors = tColor) %>%
add_text(textfont = list(color = textcolors),
y = unlist(tapply(df$percentage, df$QuarterYear, FUN=cumsum))-(df$percentage/2), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
layout(yaxis = list(title = "% of Count", zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE, ticksuffix = "%"), barmode = 'stack',hoverlabel = list(bgcolor= 'white'),
xaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE,showline = FALSE,
ticktext = paste(df$QuarterYear,'<br> (n = ', df$n,')', sep = ''),
tickmode = 'array')) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h",
xanchor = "center",
x = 0.5,
y = -0.13))%>%
layout(xaxis = list(categoryorder = 'array',
categoryarray = df$QuarterYear))
Upvotes: 1