Reputation: 79
I'm trying to come up with my "own" a* pathfinding algorithm following the explanation of this article :
But it seems that my pathfinding code runs into some sort of infinte-while-loop which inmediatly crashes Unity. But I honestly do not know what am I doing wrong
Here's my code
EDIT : it seems that unity editor crashes due to an OutOfMemory exception. I do not know what is going on public class PathFinding {
List<PathNode> openList;
List<PathNode> closedList;
Grid_Ian<PathNode> grid;
public PathFinding(Grid_Ian<PathNode> grid)
openList = new List<PathNode>();
closedList = new List<PathNode>();
this.grid = grid;
public List<PathNode> makePath(PathNode startNode, PathNode endNode)
if (startNode == null || endNode == null)
return new List<PathNode>();
if(grid.getGridObject(startNode.x,startNode.y) == null
|| grid.getGridObject(endNode.x, endNode.y) == null)
return new List<PathNode>();
startNode.hCost = calculateDistanceCost(startNode, endNode);
startNode.gCost = 0;
startNode.cameFrom = null;
PathNode currentNode = startNode;
while (openList.Count > 0)
currentNode = getLowestFcost(openList);
if (currentNode.x == endNode.x &&
currentNode.y == endNode.y)
return getPath(currentNode);
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
return new List<PathNode>();
public List<PathNode> getNeighbors(PathNode currentNode)
List<PathNode> neighborNodes = new List<PathNode>();
if (currentNode.x - 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x - 1, currentNode.y));
if (currentNode.x + 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x + 1, currentNode.y));
if (currentNode.y + 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x, currentNode.y + 1));
if (currentNode.y - 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x, currentNode.y - 1));
return neighborNodes;
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) == null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
private PathNode getLowestFcost(List<PathNode> nodeList)
PathNode lowestNode = getNode(0,0); // TODO : ARREGLAR
int fCost = 0;
foreach (PathNode node in nodeList)
if (fCost > node.fCost)
fCost = node.fCost;
lowestNode = node;
return lowestNode;
private int calculateDistanceCost(PathNode a, PathNode b)
return Mathf.Abs(a.x - b.x) + Mathf.Abs(a.y - b.y);
private List<PathNode> getPath(PathNode currentNode ){
List<PathNode> path = new List<PathNode>();
while (currentNode.cameFrom != null)
currentNode = currentNode.cameFrom;
return path;
public void getXY(Vector3 worldPosition, out int x, out int y)
grid.GetXY(worldPosition, out x, out y);
public class PathNode {
public int x, y;
public int hCost, gCost,fCost;
public PathNode cameFrom;
// G = start
// H = end
// F = G + H
public PathNode(int x,int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void calculateFCost()
fCost = hCost + gCost;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 357
Reputation: 51
I found two more things.
First your getNode function shouldn't look like this:
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) == null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
It should be:
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) != null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
return null; //need error handling
And the Second thing is for your getNeighbors. I do not know exactly how you create the Nodes, but for example they are in a Grid you should check if there is something for X and Y and not OutOfIndex. Here my check out of my Code for one NeighborNode:
if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < gridSizeX)
if (checkY >= 0 && checkY < gridSizeY)
neighborList.Add(nodeArray[checkX, checkY]);
Because of getNode function you add to the openList NULL
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51
I tried to check your Code with my and 2 Ideas you could try.
First is I think you shouldn't set the in the foreach the newCost before the if. So you could try:
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
Or one more thing. I have for some Reasons again a openList.Contains check before I add it to the openList. I do not know why again I did this but I think maybe you can try it, don't know if this helps. I made it quite a long time ago:
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
Upvotes: 1