
Reputation: 115

Pandas DataFrame and Series - IB TWS HistoricalData

I am trying to apply the pandas module to my code in order to re-organize the messages received back from IB TWS server.

The code is

from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract

class MyWrapper(EWrapper):

    def nextValidId(self, orderId:int):
        print("Setting nextValidOrderId: %d", orderId)
        self.nextValidOrderId = orderId

    def historicalData(self, reqId, bar):
        print("HistoricalData. ", reqId, "Date:", bar.date, "Open:", bar.open, "High:", bar.high, "Low:", bar.low, "Close:", bar.close, "Volume:", bar.volume, "Average:", bar.average, "Count:", bar.barCount)

    def historicalDataUpdate(self, reqId, bar):
        print("HistoricalDataUpdate. ", reqId, "Date:", bar.date, "Open:", bar.open, "High:", bar.high, "Low:", bar.low, "Close:", bar.close, "Volume:", bar.volume, "Average:", bar.average, "Count:", bar.barCount)

    def error(self, reqId, errorCode, errorString):
        print("Error. Id: " , reqId, " Code: " , errorCode , " Msg: " , errorString)

    def start(self):
        queryTime = ""

        contract = Contract()
        contract.secType = "STK"
        contract.symbol = "NIO"
        contract.currency = "USD"
        contract.exchange = "SMART"

        app.reqHistoricalData(1, contract, queryTime, "1 D", "5 secs", "TRADES", 0, 1, True, [])

app = EClient(MyWrapper())
app.connect("", 7496, clientId=123)

This code retrives historical data for a given stock, then returns the most current updates.

The problem that I am facing is that the messages returned are organized as such

HistoricalDataUpdate.  1 Date: 20200708  08:31:00 Open: 14.17 High: 14.17 Low: 14.17 Close: 14.17 Volume: -1 Average: 14.15 Count: -1

While I am trying to retrieve the data in a re-organized manner such as

HistoricalDataUpdate.  1 Date:            Open:  High:  Low:   Close:  Volume:  Average:  Count:
                       20200708  08:31:00 14.17  14.17  14.17  14.17   -1       14.15     -1

Help would be appreciated.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 3493

Answers (2)


Reputation: 10989

The callback gives you ibapi.common.BarData which you can read it's vars to get a dict like {date:..., open:123...} etc.

Pandas can make a dataframe from a list of dicts so store them in a list

Maybe you want date as an index, pandas can do that as well, surprisingly it can read the format.

You can save the data when you are done in a csv file.

from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract
import pandas as pd

class MyWrapper(EWrapper):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = []
    def nextValidId(self, orderId:int):
        print("Setting nextValidOrderId: %d", orderId)
        self.nextValidOrderId = orderId

    def historicalData(self, reqId, bar):
    def historicalDataUpdate(self, reqId, bar):
        line = vars(bar)
        # pop date and make it the index, add rest to df
        # will overwrite last bar at that same time
        self.df.loc[pd.to_datetime(line.pop('date'))] = line
    def historicalDataEnd(self, reqId: int, start: str, end: str):
        print("HistoricalDataEnd. ReqId:", reqId, "from", start, "to", end)
        self.df = pd.DataFrame(self.data)
        self.df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.df['date'])
        self.df.set_index('date', inplace=True)
    def error(self, reqId, errorCode, errorString):
        print("Error. Id: " , reqId, " Code: " , errorCode , " Msg: " , errorString)

    def start(self):
        queryTime = ""
        # so everyone can get data use fx
        fx = Contract()
        fx.secType = "CASH" 
        fx.symbol = "USD"
        fx.currency = "JPY"
        fx.exchange = "IDEALPRO"
        # setting update to 1 minute still sends an update every tick? but timestamps are 1 min
        # I don't think keepUpToDate sends a realtimeBar every 5 secs, just updates the last bar.
        app.reqHistoricalData(1, fx, queryTime, "1 D", "1 min", "MIDPOINT", 0, 1, True, [])

wrap = MyWrapper()        
app = EClient(wrap)
app.connect("", 7497, clientId=123)

#I just use this in jupyter so I can interact with df
import threading
threading.Thread(target = app.run).start()

#this isn't needed in jupyter, just run another cell
import time
time.sleep(300) # in 5 minutes check the df and close

wrap.df.to_csv("myfile.csv")#save in file

#in jupyter to show plot
%matplotlib inline 

I use jupyter notebook so I added threading so I can still interact.

Here is some output. The first data received and printed comes from historicalDataEnd. A dataFrame gets made from the variables with a datetime index so bars can be added by time.

HistoricalDataEnd. ReqId: 1 from 20200707 14:23:19 to 20200708 14:23:19

Then later after 300 secs I print the dataframe. Check that ohlc is logical and notice a new bar every minute. The 14:28 bar is only the first 19 seconds I assume since my five minutes (300 secs) started at 14:23:19. This is exactly the behaviour you would want and expect for keeping a chart up to date.

2020-07-08 14:24:00  107.231  107.236  107.231  107.233     -1       -1   
2020-07-08 14:25:00  107.233  107.234   107.23  107.232     -1       -1   
2020-07-08 14:26:00  107.232  107.232  107.225  107.232     -1       -1   
2020-07-08 14:27:00  107.232  107.239  107.231  107.239     -1       -1   
2020-07-08 14:28:00  107.239  107.239  107.236  107.236     -1       -1   

You can see that it gets all the bars (close only in graph) and keeps it up to date. JPY

Upvotes: 3

Rob Raymond
Rob Raymond

Reputation: 31236

  1. this is really ETL (extract, transform, load)
  2. I can see each data element is of form Name:. Get all name tokens using this as a reg expr
  3. with this list extract each token into a dict based on position of token and next token
  4. get the data label before the first token
  5. finally turn this into a pandas data frame
text= "HistoricalDataUpdate.  1 Date: 20200708  08:31:00 Open: 14.17 High: 14.17 Low: 14.17 Close: 14.17 Volume: -1 Average: 14.15 Count: -1"
tokens = re.findall("([A-Z][a-z]*:)", text)
json = {t:text[re.search(tokens[i], text).span(0)[1]:re.search(tokens[i+1], text).span(0)[0]] 
        if i+1<len(tokens) 
        else text[re.search(tokens[i], text).span(0)[1]:] 
        for i,t in enumerate(tokens)}
json = {"label":text[:re.search(tokens[0], text).span(0)[0]], **json}
df = pd.DataFrame([json])


    label   Date:   Open:   High:   Low:    Close:  Volume: Average:    Count:
0   HistoricalDataUpdate. 1 20200708 08:31:00   14.17   14.17   14.17   14.17   -1  14.15   -1

Upvotes: 0

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