Reputation: 1
Today I ran into the problem of correctly applying xr.apply_ufunc on a 3d xarray dataarray.
I want to filter the array along the 'time' dimension. So the product in the end should have the same dimensions as the input array and should only contain the filtered data in place of the monthly data. To accomplish this I wrote the two following functions:
import xarray as xr
from scipy import signal
import numpy as np
def butter_filt(x,filt_year,fs,order_butter):
#filt_year = 1 #1 year
#fs = 12 #monthly data
#fn = fs/2; # Nyquist Frequency
fc = (1/filt_year)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 1year = (1/1)/2 equals 1 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
#fc = (1/2)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 2year = (1/1)/2 equals 2 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
#fc = (1/4)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 4year = (1/1)/2 equals 4 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
b, a = signal.butter(order_butter, fc, 'low', fs=fs, output='ba')
# Check NA values
co = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(x))
if co < 4: # If fewer than 4 observations return -9999
return np.empty(x.shape)
return signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
def filtfilt_butter(x,filt_year,fs,order_butter,dim='time'):
# x ...... xr data array
# dims .... dimension along which to apply function
filt= xr.apply_ufunc(butter_filt, x,filt_year,fs,order_butter,
input_core_dims=[[dim], [], [], []],
return filt
x_uv = filtfilt_butter(ds.x,
I tried the butter_filt function which works fine on its own, so there is some kind of problem in the filtfilt_butter. trying to calculate x_uv gives the following error:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed exec> in <module>
<ipython-input-86-c470080a0817> in filtfilt_butter(x, filt_year, fs, order_butter, dim)
20 # x ...... xr data array
21 # dims .... dimension aong which to apply function
---> 22 filt= xr.apply_ufunc(butter_filt, x,filt_year,fs,order_butter,
23 input_core_dims=[[dim], [], [], []],
24 dask='parallelized')
~/miniconda3/envs/pyt3_11102018/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/ in
apply_ufunc(func, input_core_dims, output_core_dims, exclude_dims, vectorize, join, dataset_join,
dataset_fill_value, keep_attrs, kwargs, dask, output_dtypes, output_sizes, meta, *args)
1056 )
1057 elif any(isinstance(a, DataArray) for a in args):
-> 1058 return apply_dataarray_vfunc(
1059 variables_vfunc,
1060 *args,
~/miniconda3/envs/pyt3_11102018/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/ in
apply_dataarray_vfunc(func, signature, join, exclude_dims, keep_attrs, *args)
232 data_vars = [getattr(a, "variable", a) for a in args]
--> 233 result_var = func(*data_vars)
235 if signature.num_outputs > 1:
~/miniconda3/envs/pyt3_11102018/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/ in
apply_variable_ufunc(func, signature, exclude_dims, dask, output_dtypes, output_sizes, keep_attrs,
meta, *args)
621 data = as_compatible_data(data)
622 if data.ndim != len(dims):
--> 623 raise ValueError(
624 "applied function returned data with unexpected "
625 "number of dimensions: {} vs {}, for dimensions {}".format(
ValueError: applied function returned data with unexpected number of dimensions: 3 vs 2, for
dimensions ('deptht', 'km')
How can I fix this?
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Views: 1916
Reputation: 8763
expects the output shape to be the initial shape minus the input_core_dims
ones plus the output_core_dims
ones. In your case you are right to pass time
as input core dim as you want to make sure it is moved to be the last dimension so using axis=-1
works correctly.
You therefore need to use output_core_dims
to get xarray to expect a 3d output array. You can use time
For a more detailed explanation on apply_ufunc
arguments, see this other answer
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
I found a solution to this problem by defining the input and output dimensions:
def butter_filt(x,filt_year,fs,order_butter):
#filt_year = 1 #1 year
#fs = 12 #monthly data
#fn = fs/2; # Nyquist Frequency
fc = (1/filt_year)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 1year = (1/1)/2 equals 1 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
#fc = (1/2)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 2year = (1/1)/2 equals 2 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
#fc = (1/4)/2 # cut off frequency 1sample/ 4year = (1/1)/2 equals 4 year filter (two half cycles/sample)
b, a = signal.butter(order_butter, fc, 'low', fs=fs, output='ba')
return signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
def filtfilt_butter(x,filt_year,fs,order_butter,dim='time'):
# x ...... xr data array
# dims .... dimension aong which to apply function
filt= xr.apply_ufunc(
butter_filt, # first the function
x,# now arguments in the order expected by 'butter_filt'
filt_year, # as above
fs, # as above
order_butter, # as above
input_core_dims=[["deptht","km","time"], [], [],[]], # list with one entry per arg
output_core_dims=[["deptht","km","time"]], # returned data has 3 dimension
exclude_dims=set(("time",)), # dimensions allowed to change size. Must be a set!
vectorize=True, # loop over non-core dims
return filt
Upvotes: 0