
Reputation: 145

Fortran code freezes when using mpi_send on an HPC but not on my laptop

I have a subroutine that is supposed to mix values in an array W % R between different processors using MPI_SEND. It works on my laptop (in the sense it doesn't crash) with both Intel and gfortran compilers. But when I run it on an HPC the program freezes the first time the subroutine is called.

SUBROUTINE mix_walkers( W ) 

 include 'mpif.h'
 TYPE(walkerList), INTENT(INOUT) :: W
 INTEGER, SAVE :: calls = 0
 INTEGER :: ierr, nthreads, rank, width, self, send, recv, sendFrstWlkr, sendLstWlkr, sendWlkrcount, &
            recvFrstWlkr, recvlstWlkr, recvWlkrcount, status

  calls = calls + 1

  CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_WORLD, nthreads, ierr )


  width = W % nwlkr / nthreads

  IF( MODULO( calls, nthreads ) == 0 ) calls = calls + 1

  send          = MODULO( rank + calls, nthreads )
  recv          = MODULO( rank - calls, nthreads )

  sendFrstWlkr  = width * send + 1 
  recvFrstWlkr  = width * recv + 1 

  sendLstWlkr   = MIN( sendFrstWlkr - 1 + width, W % nwlkr )
  recvlstWlkr   = MIN( recvFrstWlkr - 1 + width, W % nwlkr )

  sendWlkrcount = SIZE( W % R( :, :, sendFrstWlkr : sendlstWlkr ) )
  recvWlkrcount = SIZE( W % R( :, :, recvFrstWlkr : recvlstWlkr ) )

  IF( send == rank ) RETURN

  ASSOCIATE( sendWalkers => W % R( :, :, sendFrstWlkr : sendlstWlkr ) , &
             recvWalkers => W % R( :, :, recvFrstWlkr : recvLstWlkr ) ) 

    CALL MPI_SEND( sendWalkers, sendWlkrcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, send, calls, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) 

    CALL MPI_RECV( recvWalkers, recvWlkrcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, recv, calls, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr )  


END SUBROUTINE mix_walkers

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Views: 155

Answers (1)

Ian Bush
Ian Bush

Reputation: 7432

MPI_SEND is blocking. It is not guaranteed to return until the process which is being sent to posts a corresponding receive. In the code you have all the recieves may never be reached as the process may be waiting in the send. To fix this investigate MPI_ISEND/MPI_IRECV and MPI_WAIT, or MPI_SENDRECV.

For more details see section 3.4 in the MPI standard at

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