Uttam Sapkota
Uttam Sapkota

Reputation: 69

Method Not Allowed 405, when hitting POST request after grails uprgade from 2.5.2 to 3.3.11

After upgrading grails 2.5.2 to 3.3.11, I am getting Method Not Allowed response while hitting POST request. The GET method works fine.


package omapi

import grails.rest.RestfulController
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus

import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT

class PhaseController extends RestfulController {


static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml']
static allowedMethods = [show:  'GET', index:'GET',productAcronym:'GET', phaseByName: 'GET',save:'POST',update:'PUT',delete:'DELETE', deleteGroup: 'DELETE', deletePhase: 'DELETE']

def phaseService

def index(){
    def phases = phaseService.getAllPhases()
    respond phases

def show(){
    def phase = phaseService.getPhaseById(params.id)
    respond phase

def phaseByName(){
    def phase = phaseService.getPhaseByName(params?.name)
    respond phase

def productAcronym() {
    def phase = phaseService.getPhaseByProductAcronym(params?.acronym)
    log.info("==== phase by product Acronym =====$params.acronym==");
    respond phase;

URL Mapping:

package omapi

import grails.core.GrailsApplication
import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException

class UrlMappings {

    static mappings = {

        "/applications/$id/processingGroup"(controller: "application",action: "processingGroup")
        "/accounts/$id/applications/"(controller: "accounts", action: "applications")
        "/accounts/$aId/application/$id/products/"(controller: "application", action: "products")
        "/ftpServer/connection"(controller: 'ftpServer', action: 'testConnection')
        "/application/$id/jobs/"(controller: "job",action: "jobByApplication")
        "/application/cycleDates"(controller: "cycleDates",action: "getCycleDatesByApplication")
        "/ProcessingBranch/branch/"(controller: "processingTicketBranch",action: "branch")

        "/application/$appCode/Offset"(controller: "ReportClientOffset",action: "offsetValue")
            constraints {
                // apply constraints here
        "/$controller/$id"(parseRequest: true){
            action = [GET:"show",PUT:"update",POST:"404",DELETE:"delete"]
            constraints {
                id matches: /\d+/

            action = [GET:"index",POST: "save",PUT:"update",DELETE:"delete"]
            constraints {

        "403"(controller: "error", action: "error403")
        "404"(controller: "error", action: "error404")
        "409"(controller: "error", action: "error409")
        "500"(controller: "error", action: "error500")
        "500"(controller: "error", action: "error403", exception: AccessDeniedException)

Request: [POST] localhost:5555/OMApi/phase


    "timestamp": 1594295030496,
    "status": 405,
    "error": "Method Not Allowed",
    "message": "No message available",
    "path": "/OMApi/phase"

For grails 2.5.2, everything works fine. It looks like a Spring related issue. All the searches on this matter provided no results. Any idea? Is it due to some error in UrlMapping or other problems like CORS Interceptor not working?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 633

Answers (1)

Jeff Scott Brown
Jeff Scott Brown

Reputation: 27200

After upgrading grails 2.5.2 to 3.3.11, I am getting Method Not Allowed response while hitting POST request. The GET method works fine.

It looks like you have /OMApi/phase mapped to the index action in PhaseController which is configured with index: 'GET' in allowedMethods which means the index action is only accessible via a 'GET' request. Any other verb should result in a 405 for that action. If you want to allow both GET and POST for the index action (unclear why you want to do that) then change your allowedMethods to include index: ['GET', 'POST'] instead of index: 'GET'.

I hope that helps.

Upvotes: 1

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