Otávio Vasques
Otávio Vasques

Reputation: 157

VueJS Component failing to render when fetching data

I'm new to Vue.JS and JavaScript, so I have awful times debugging these applications, specially with promises and asynchronous tools. I'm trying to build my first Vue component that fetches data from somewhere. I'm using the Google Sheets API and returning some cells of a sample sheet. My component looks like this:

  <li v-for="athlete in athletes" :key="athlete">
    {{ athlete }}

import readCopaPinheiros from '@/sheets/fetchData.js';

export default {
  name: 'AthletesTable',
  data () {
    return {
      loading: false,
      athletes: null
  created () {
  methods: {
    fetchData() {
      this.loading = true;
      readCopaPinheiros('inscritos').then(values => {
        this.loading = false;
        this.athletes = values



The fetchData script:

const fs = require('fs');
const { google } = require('googleapis');
const TOKEN_PATH = '';

const credentials = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CREDENTIALS_PATH, 'utf-8'));

const {
client_secret: clientSecret,
client_id: clientId,
redirect_uris: redirectUris,
} = credentials.installed;

const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
  clientId, clientSecret, redirectUris[0],

const token = fs.readFileSync(TOKEN_PATH, 'utf-8');

async function readSheet(spreadsheetId, range) {
  const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: oAuth2Client });

  return sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({
  .then(res => res.data.values)
  .catch(err => console.log('Opa! Erro:', err));

function readSheetJsnofied(spreadsheetId, range) {
    return readSheet(spreadsheetId, range)
      .then(values => jsonifySheet(values));

function jsonifySheet(sheetValues) {
  const header = sheetValues[0];
  const values = sheetValues.slice(1);
  return values.map((row) => {
    const rowObj = ({});
    for (let i=0; i < row.length; i++) rowObj[header[i]] = row[i];
    return rowObj;

const readCopaPinheiros = d => readSheetJsnofied('sheetId', d);

export default readCopaPinheiros

For some reason the component doesn't render. I don't know what to do even to debug, all my console log tries never prints something to the console. Could someone help me understand what is going wrong?


This error just shows up when trying to fetch data: enter image description here When I try to use a placeholder list with fake values directly in the data function it works. I don't believe that is a problem with the rendering itself, but how it interacts with the created and fetchData functions.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 404

Answers (1)


Reputation: 5992

v-for="athlete in athletes"

This code only works when the athletes is an array. Initially, you set it as null so until the data from api is arrived, it will be null. But the component still tries to render the component with your null athletes and will make the error. You can try with this solution:

data () {
  return {
      loading: false,
      athletes: []

Upvotes: 1

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