I am a beginner in spark and I got stuck in how to make a sql request using dataframe.
I have the two followings dataframe.
|id |geomType |geom |rayon |
|30 |Polygon |[00 00 00 00 01 0...] |200 |
|32 |Point |[00 00 00 00 01 0.. ] |320179 |
|idZones |Longitude |Latitude |
|[30,50,100,] | -7.6198783 |33.5942549 |
|[20,140,39,] |-7.6198783 |33.5942549 |
I want to execute the following request.
"SELECT zones.* FROM zones WHERE IN ("
+ idZones
+ ") AND ((zones.geomType='Polygon' AND (ST_WITHIN(ST_GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(',"
+ longitude
+ ",' ',"
+ latitude
+ ",')'),4326),zones.geom))) OR ( (zones.geomType='LineString' OR zones.geomType='Point') AND ST_Intersects(ST_buffer(zones.geom,(zones.rayon/100000)),ST_GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(',"
+ longitude
+ ",' ',"
+ latitude
+ ",')'),4326)))) "
I'm really stuck, should I join the two data frames or what? I tried to join the two dataframes with id and idZone like this :"idZones").as ("idZones"))).join(df_zones,col("idZones").equalTo(df_zones.col("id")));
but it seems to me that making a join is not the right choice.
I need you help .
Thank you
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You can convert df_tracking.idZones eg: [20, 140, 39]
into an Array()
type and use array_contains()
which make stuff simpler while joining over a range of elements.
val joinDF = df_zones.join(df_tracking, array_contains($"id_Zones",$"id"))
Sample Code:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
object JoinExample extends App{
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
import spark.implicits._
val df_zones = Seq(
(30,"Polygon", "[00 00 00 00 01]",200),
(32,"Point", "[00 00 00 00 01]",320179),
(39,"Point", "[00 00 00 00 01]",320179)
val df_tracking = Seq(
val joinDF = df_zones.join(df_tracking, array_contains($"id_Zones",$"id"))
| id|geomType| geom| rayon|
| 30| Polygon|[00 00 00 00 01]| 200|
| 32| Point|[00 00 00 00 01]|320179|
| 39| Point|[00 00 00 00 01]|320179|
| id_Zones| Longitude| Latitude|
|[30, 50, 100]|-7.6198783|33.5942549|
|[20, 140, 39]|-7.6198783|33.5942549|
| id|geomType| geom| rayon| id_Zones| Longitude| Latitude|
| 30| Polygon|[00 00 00 00 01]| 200|[30, 50, 100]|-7.6198783|33.5942549|
| 39| Point|[00 00 00 00 01]|320179|[20, 140, 39]|-7.6198783|33.5942549|
In continuation of above, query can be best transformed by defining SPARK UDF's
below code snippet gives you a brief idea.
// UDF Creation
// Define Logic of (ST_WITHIN(ST_GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', longitude, ' ', latitude, ')')
// , 4326), zones.geom))
val condition1 = (x:Int) => {1}
// Define Logic of ST_Intersects(ST_buffer(zones.geom, (zones.rayon / 100000)),
// ST_GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', longitude, ' ', latitude, ')'), 4326))
val condition2 = (y:Int) => {1}
val condition1UDF = udf(condition1)
val condition2UDF = udf(condition2)
val joinDF = df_zones.join(df_tracking, array_contains($"id_Zones",$"id"))
val finalDF = joinDF
.withColumn("Condition1DerivedValue", condition1UDF(lit("000")))
.withColumn("Condition2DerivedValue", condition2UDF(lit("000")))
(col("geomType") === "Polygon" and col("Condition1DerivedValue") === 1 )
or ((col("geomType")==="LineString" or col("geomType")==="Point")
and $"Condition2DerivedValue" === 1
| id|geomType| geom| rayon|
| 30| Polygon|[00 00 00 00 01]| 200|
| 39| Point|[00 00 00 00 01]|320179|
Upvotes: 2