Reputation: 526
Currently, I have data retrieved from SELECT and converted into PHP assoc array. Thus, I got this array.
[0] => array
[Gattung] => 'Gattung_A'
[Untergattung] => null
[Sektion] => null
[Untersektion] => null
[Serie] => null
[Unterserie] => null
[Art] => 'Art_A'
[Unterart] => null
[Varietaet] => null
[SubVarietaet] => null
[Form] => 'Form_A'
[Unterform] => null
[SpezialForm] => null
[Hybride] => null
[Blendling] => null
[Sorte] => null
[1] => array
[Gattung] => 'Gattung_A'
[Untergattung] => null
[Sektion] => null
[Untersektion] => null
[Serie] => null
[Unterserie] => null
[Art] => 'Art_B'
[Unterart] => null
[Varietaet] => 'Variant_G'
[SubVarietaet] => null
[Form] => 'Form_B'
[Unterform] => null
[SpezialForm] => null
[Hybride] => null
[Blendling] => null
[Sorte] => null
[2] => array
[Gattung] => 'Gattung_B'
[Untergattung] => null
[Sektion] => null
[Untersektion] => null
[Serie] => null
[Unterserie] => null
[Art] => 'Art_C'
[Unterart] => null
[Varietaet] => 'Variant_A'
[SubVarietaet] => null
[Form] => null
[Unterform] => null
[SpezialForm] => null
[Hybride] => null
[Blendling] => null
[Sorte] => null
Nearly ~300k records
So far, I have fixed my array into one dimensional array based on unique values by using array_unique
. This is my result:
[0] => 'Gattung|Gattung_A'
[1] => 'Art|Art_A'
[3] => 'Form|Form_A'
[5] => 'Art|ArtB'
[7] => 'Varietaet|Variant_G'
[9] => 'Form|Form_G'
[11] => 'Gattung|Gattung_B'
[13] => 'Art|Art_C'
[15] => 'Varietaet|Variant_A'
However, my result is not well grouped. I need to display it on a page, so something like building a hierarchical system.
Question: @Melsi I hope my second edit will purify my queston.
How to display the data into a tree form (See Edit 2) or a table (See Edit 1)?
What I am doing is to create something like FULLTEXT search in several tables. This is the query to join all the tables: (All FKs have index to each table's id )
tGa.Gattung AS Gattung,
tUG.Untergattung AS Untergattung,
tSe.Sektion AS Sektion,
tUS.Untersektion AS Untersektion,
tSer.Serie AS Serie,
tUser.Unterserie AS Unterserie,
tA.Art AS Art,
tUa.Unterart AS Unterart,
tV.Varietaet AS Varietaet,
tSV.SubVarietaet AS SubVarietaet,
tF.Form AS Form,
tUF.Unterform AS Unterform,
tSF.SpezialForm AS SpezialForm,
tH.Hybride AS Hybride,
tBL.Blendling AS Blendling,
tSo.Sorte AS Sorte
botanischername AS tBot
LEFT JOIN ( gattung AS tGa ) ON ( tBot.ID_Ga = tGa.ID_Ga )
LEFT JOIN ( untergattung AS tUg ) ON ( tBot.ID_UG = tUg.ID_UG )
LEFT JOIN ( sektion AS tSe ) ON ( tSe.ID_Se = tBot.ID_Se )
LEFT JOIN ( untersektion AS tUS ) ON ( tUS.ID_US = tBot.ID_US )
LEFT JOIN ( serie AS tSer ) ON ( tSer.ID_Ser = tBot.ID_Ser )
LEFT JOIN ( unterserie AS tUSer ) ON ( tUser.ID_USer = tBot.ID_USer )
LEFT JOIN ( art AS tA ) ON ( tA.ID_A = tBot.ID_A )
LEFT JOIN ( unterart AS tUa ) ON ( tUa.ID_UA = tBot.ID_UA )
LEFT JOIN ( varietaet AS tV ) ON ( tV.ID_V = tBot.ID_V )
LEFT JOIN ( subvarietaet AS tSV ) ON ( tSV.ID_SV = tBot.ID_SV)
LEFT JOIN ( form AS tF ) ON ( tF.ID_F = tBot.ID_F )
LEFT JOIN ( unterform AS tUF ) ON ( tUF.ID_UF = tBot.ID_UF )
LEFT JOIN ( spezialform AS tSF ) ON ( tSF.ID_SF = tBot.ID_SF )
LEFT JOIN ( hybride AS tH ) ON ( tH.ID_H = tBot.ID_H )
LEFT JOIN ( blendling AS tBL ) ON ( tBL.ID_BL = tBot.ID_BL )
LEFT JOIN ( sorte AS tSo ) ON ( tSo.ID_So = tBot.ID_So )
LEFT JOIN ( status AS tST
CROSS JOIN pflanze AS tPfl) ON
( tST.ID_ST = tBot.ID_ST AND tPfl.ID = tBot.ID )
tGa.Gattung LIKE #1_Word# OR
tUG.Untergattung LIKE #2_Word# OR
tSe.Sektion LIKE #3_Word# OR
tUS.Untersektion LIKE #4_Word# OR
tSer.Serie LIKE #5_Word# OR
tUser.Unterserie LIKE #6_Word# OR
tA.Art LIKE #7_Word# OR
tUa.Unterart LIKE #8_Word# OR
tV.Varietaet LIKE #9_Word# OR
tSV.SubVarietaet LIKE #10_Word# OR
tF.Form LIKE #11_Word# oR
tUF.Unterform LIKE #12_Word# OR
tSF.SpezialForm LIKE #13_Word# oR
tH.Hybride LIKE #14_Word# oR
tBL.Blendling LIKE #15_Word# OR
tSo.Sorte LIKE #16_Word#
I know that by using LIKE %xxx% OR
is a heavy process. If you want to suggest me another way, it is fine.
My expected result is something like:
| | | |______________________________Detail_____________|
| Num | Gattung | Art | Form | Varietaet | ...... | the other cols|
| 1. | Gattung A | Art A | Form A | | | |
| | | <same | Form B | | | |
| | | data or Art A> | | | | |
| | | Art B | Form B | Variant G | | |
| 2. | Gattung B | Art C | | Variant A | | |
Back 1 2 3 Next
EDIT 2 : Concise the question.
Or in tree form,
----- Art A ------ Form A
| |
| -- Form B
1. Gattung A ----|---- Art B ------ Form B ---- Variant G
2. Gattung B --------- Art C ------ Variant A
... And so on.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2098
Reputation: 48387
1) if you it is possible to do the sorting / grouping / aggregation in SQL then do it in SQL - not in PHP. SQL and rDBMS are designed and optimized for this.
2) PHP does not have multidimesnional arrays - they are hierarchical.
3) if you don't want nulls in your array don't put them there
4) If you have a primary key for the result set in your data use that for your array key
while ($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
foreach($r as $key=>$val) {
if ($val || $val===0 || $val===false) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1462
Thank you for you comment.
This is my new answer to your question, it avoids empty lines, if you need to avoid empty coloumns or need something else let me know.
//make the labels
'SpezialForm','Hybride','Blendling','Sorte' );
// Make a MySQL Connection
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
//select database
mysql_query("drop database if exists `test_db`;")or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("create database `test_db`;")or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("test_db") or die(mysql_error());
//create table
mysql_query(" drop table if exists `test_table`;")or die(mysql_error());
CREATE TABLE `test_table` (
`Gattung` char(30) NULL ,
`Untergattung` char(30) NULL ,
`Sektion` char(30) NULL ,
`Untersektion` char(30) NULL ,
`Serie` char(30) NULL ,
`Unterserie` char(30) NULL ,
`Art` char(30) NULL ,
`Unterart` char(30) NULL ,
`Varietaet` char(30) NULL ,
`SubVarietaet` char(30) NULL ,
`Form` char(30) NULL ,
`Unterform` char(30) NULL ,
`SpezialForm` char(30) NULL ,
`Hybride` char(30) NULL ,
`Blendling` char(30) NULL ,
`Sorte` char(30) NULL
ENGINE=InnoDB;") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
('Gattung_A',null,null,null,null,null,'Art_A',null,null,null,'Form_A',null,null,null,null,null ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
('Gattung_A',null,null,null,null,null,'Art_A',null,null,null,'Form_A',null,null,null ,null,null ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
('Gattung_B',null,null,null,null,null,'Art_C',null,'Variant_A',null,null,null,null,null,null,null ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
(null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
('Gattung_Q',null,null,null,null,null,'Art_C',null,'Variant_A',null,'Form_W',null,null,null,null,null ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES
('Gattung_Q',null,'test','test','test','test','Art_S','test','Variant_Y','test','Form_H','test','test','test','test','last' ) ")
or die(mysql_error());
//get result
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `test_table` ;")
or die(mysql_error());
function non_empty_row_display()
//get data
global $result;
global $result;
mysql_data_seek ($result , 0);
print '<b><br><h2>TABLE: 2 NON EMPTY VALUES OF EACH ROW</h2></b>';
print '<table border=7 bordercolor=orange >';
//for every row of the table
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
//for every coloumn
foreach ($row as $value)
//if value is not null
if($value!=null)//then keep it
$current_row .= $value.' | ';
echo '<tr bgcolor=',$color[$index%2],'><th>ROW ',$index++,'</th><td>',$current_row,'</td></tr>',
'<tr><td colspan=2 height=5 bgcolor=pink></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
function normal_display()
print '<b><h2>TABLE:1 Normal display</h2></b>';
print '<table border=1><tr>';
global $labels;
foreach($labels as $value)
echo '<th>',$value,'</th>';
print '</tr>';
global $result;
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print '<tr>';
foreach($row as $value)
echo '<td>',$value,' </td>';
print '</tr>';
print '</table>';
function non_empty_column_display()
//get data
global $result;
mysql_data_seek ($result , 0);
//for every row of the table
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
//for every coloumn
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
//if value is not null
//if $final_column[$key] exists append value to it, otherwise assign value
$final_column[$key]=(isset($final_column[$key]))?$final_column[$key].=$value.'<br>':$value.' <br> ';
echo '<br><br><h2>Array:1 </h2>The coloumn with index 6 is placed before the one with index 2 in this array
because its first non empty value is fetched earlier. Check for your self:<br>';
echo '<pre>',strip_tags(print_r($final_column,true)),'</pre>';
//for each mysql table coloumn name
global $labels;
foreach($labels as $key => $value)
//if it exists in the result
//keep it
echo '<br><br><h2>Array:2 </h2>We can order this. Check for your self:<br>';
echo '<pre>',strip_tags(print_r($final_column,true)),'</pre>';
echo '<br><b><h2>TABLE:3 </h2>THIS IS A TABLE WITH NON EMPTY COLOUMNS<b>';
echo '<table border=1>',$label_header,'<tr>';
foreach($final_column as $value)
echo '<td valign=top>',$value,'</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
I have already fixed lines 147 and 161 (for previous example), it was a warning, we have to check if a variable exists before concatenation, in your example it would be:
$final_column[$key]=(isset($final_column[$key]))?$final_column[$key].=$value.'<br>':$value.' <br> ';
Upvotes: 2