Reputation: 161
I did a plot with set packages (geoR", "oceanmap","raster"); however, it was possible to build the figure below (the current figure is a print screen because it has a higher size than permitted, sorry by this); It is important to clarify that this figure was built it had not edited by other programs. .
The current functions of these packages build figures unmatched with all parts disordered.
This is my code
Y <- data.frame(Lon=runif(65,-92.43,-86.29), Lat=runif(65,20.73,23.75),
cgeo <- as.geodata(Y)
varigr <- variog(cgeo, direction="omnidirectional")
plot(varigr, pch=19,col="red")
gnt <- likfit(cgeo,ini=c(1.5,1.5),fix.nug=FALSE,cov.model="gneiting");gnt
borders <-data.frame(
Lon=c(-92.21361, -91.17074, -88.60174, -86.57961, -86.14720, -86.18536, -86.22351, -86.35069, -89.37753, -92.49340,-92.46796, -92.45524),
Lat=c(20.76919, 20.78056, 20.84879, 20.87722, 20.87722, 22.27024, 23.10037, 23.80540, 23.83383, 23.81678, 22.38964, 20.82605))
grids <- expand.grid(lon=seq(-93, -85.5, length=600), lat=seq(20.5, 24.5, length=600))
krig<-krige.conv(cgeo,loc=grids, krige=krige.control( = gnt$,
cov.model = "gneiting",
type.krige = "ok", nugget = gnt$nugget),borders=borders)
image(krig, borders=NULL)
contour(krig, add=TRUE, borders=NULL, col="white", cex=1)
text(Y$Lon, Y$Lat, rownames(Y), cex=0.8)
plotmap(lon=c(-92.5, -86), lat=c(20.5, 24.5), add= TRUE, "forestgreen",cex.lab = 0.9, grid.res = 1.5, border="black", bwd=1, cex=0.8)
compassRose(-92, 24, rot=0, cex=0.6)
scalebar(100, xy= c(-89.2,20.89), type = "bar", divs = 4, cex = 0.8, below = "Kilómetros", adj=c(0.5, -1))
legend.krige(x.leg = c(-85.79,-85.69), y.leg =c(20.7, 24.2), col=cmap$jet, cex=1,vertical=TRUE,
val= krig$predict,scale.,offset.leg=0.9, family="Times New Roman")
The problems are:
I appreciate the help with this question.
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