Reputation: 725
I have a script that I need to use to deploy some changes in the database. For it I need to kill all sessions before to start the changes.
set serveroutput on;
for rec in (SELECT se.sid,se.serial#,se.inst_id FROM gv$session se where type <> 'BACKGROUND' and username not in ('SYSRAC','SYS') and sid <> (select sys_context('userenv','sid') from dual) and status <> 'KILLED')
execute immediate 'Alter System Kill Session '''|| rec.Sid|| ',' || rec.Serial# || ',@' ||rec.inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE';
dbms_output.put_line('Eliminada: '||rec.sid);
end loop;
The problem is: I have a database with more than 3000 connections. While this script is executing it is normal for some sessions to disconnect by themselves and it result in the following error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00030: User session ID does not exist.
ORA-06512: at line 4
ORA-06512: at line 4
How can I control the loop to ignore the sessions that disconnect from the database for themselves?
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Views: 370
Reputation: 8518
I would do this:
set serveroutput on;
sess_not_exist exception;
pragma exception_init(sess_not_exist, -30);
for rec in (SELECT se.sid,se.serial#,se.inst_id FROM gv$session se where type <> 'BACKGROUND' and username not in ('SYSRAC','SYS')
and sid <> (select sys_context('userenv','sid') from dual) and status <> 'KILLED')
execute immediate 'Alter System Kill Session '''|| rec.Sid|| ',' || rec.Serial# || ',@' ||rec.inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE';
dbms_output.put_line('Eliminada: '||rec.sid);
when sess_not_exist then null;
when others then raise;
end loop;
The reasons:
I think you want to raise any other exception, therefore I put when others then raise.
Upvotes: 1