Reputation: 850
My understanding is that a UInt64 can be any value from: 0 to 18446744073709551615
I need to save a UInt64 identifier to CoreData, however the values I see are:
I initially tried Integer 64 but now I am understanding that has a range of: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
Do developers usually store an UInt64 as a String and do conversions between the two types? Is this the best practice?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 781
Reputation: 256
The accepted answer by Martin R
will work.
However it appears that this is part of the default implementation of @NSManaged
properties by Apple.
I tested it like so:
which is saved as an Integer 16
as follows:class Hello: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var short : UInt16
You'll notice that I've typed it as an unsigned UInt16
In my AppDelegate:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Get Context
let context = self.persistentContainer.viewContext
// Create Test Objects
let hello1 = Hello(entity: Hello.entity(), insertInto: context)
hello1.short = 255
let hello2 = Hello(entity: Hello.entity(), insertInto: context)
hello2.short = 32767 // Should overflow Int16
let hello3 = Hello(entity: Hello.entity(), insertInto: context)
hello3.short = 65535 // Should overflow Int16 by a lot
// Save them to the database
do {
} catch {
// Fetch the save objects
let fetch = NSFetchRequest<Hello>(entityName: "Hello")
if let results = try? context.fetch(fetch) {
for result in results {
This prints out the following:
Which I imagine is what someone would want from saving unsigned ints in Core Data.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 540145
You can (losslessly) convert between UInt64
and Int64
// Set:
obj.int64Property = Int64(bitPattern: uint64Value)
// Get:
let uint64Value = UInt64(bitPattern: obj.int64Property)
You can define uint64Value
as a computed property of the managed object class to automate the conversion:
public class MyEntity: NSManagedObject {
public var uint64Property: UInt64 {
get {
return UInt64(bitPattern: int64Property)
set {
int64Property = Int64(bitPattern: newValue)
Upvotes: 5