
Reputation: 721

Laravel Broadcasting - Private Channels Accessible Without Bearer Token

I have setup with laravel-echo to join and listen to laravel broadcasting channels. Public channels are working fine as they do not require any auth. Private channels are not working as expected, i am able to join any private channel with client without passing the authorization token. Client

window.Echo = new Echo({
    host: "",
        headers: {
            Accept: 'application/json',
            Authorization: 'Bearer ',
    broadcaster: '',

.listen('Notification', (e) => {

Laravel-Echo-Server Config

"authHost": "",
"authEndpoint": "/broadcasting/auth",
"clients": [],
"database": "redis",
"databaseConfig": {
    "redis": {
        "port": "6379",
        "host": "localhost"
    "sqlite": {}
"devMode": true,
"host": null,
"port": "6001",
"protocol": "http",
"socketio": {},
"secureOptions": 67108864,
"sslCertPath": "",
"sslKeyPath": "",
"sslCertChainPath": "",
"sslPassphrase": "",
"subscribers": {
    "http": true,
    "redis": true
"apiOriginAllow": {
    "allowCors": true,
    "allowOrigin": "localhost",
    "allowMethods": "GET, POST",
    "allowHeaders": "Origin, Content-Type, X-Auth-Token, X-Requested-With, Accept, Authorization, X-CSRF-TOKEN, X-Socket-Id"

Channel Routes

Broadcast::channel('user.{userId}', function ($user, $userId) {
    return (int) $user->id === (int) $userId;


Broadcast::routes(['middleware' => ['auth:api']]);

Auth Config

'guards' => [
    'web' => [
        'driver' => 'session',
        'provider' => 'users',

    'api' => [
        'driver' => 'passport',
        'provider' => 'users',
        'hash' => false,
], Response When Accessing Without Token



[4:50:17 PM] - Preparing authentication request to:
[4:50:17 PM] - Sending auth request to:
[4:50:17 PM] - LtnbMInYDGa_QMMcAAAA authenticated for: private-user.1
[4:50:17 PM] - LtnbMInYDGa_QMMcAAAA joined channel: private-user.1

So my guess is that laravel-echo-server is not returning false on response "Unauthenticated"

Any help will be appreciated

Upvotes: 1

Views: 6552

Answers (1)


Reputation: 721

Alright, this was fun solving. I decided to check how laravel-echo-server is requesting to "broadcasting/auth" and how its handling the response of that request.

You can have a look at here :

So laravel-echo-server returns true if the response code of broadcasting/auth is 200 and returns false if the response code is not 200 or if there was an error requesting.

The problem here is that when you send a request to laravel api route handled by passport authentication , it does return "Unauthenticated" message but without 401 code due to which the laravel-echo-server thinks that the request was successful and allows the user to join the channel.


  1. Returning 401 Code With Passport Unauthenticated Response
  2. Middleware for Channel Authentication

Returning 401 Code With Passport Unauthenticated Response

projectdir\app\Exceptions Handler.php

use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException;

public function render($request, Exception $exception)
    if($exception instanceof AuthenticationException){
        return response()->json(['message' => $exception->getMessage()], 401);
        return response()->json(['message' => $exception->getMessage() ]);

    return parent::render($request, $exception);

Middleware for Channel Authentication

php artisan make:middleware [name]

projectdir\app\Http\Middleware [name].php

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class SocketAuth

    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $user = Auth::User();

        if($user !== null){
            if($request->channel_name == "private-user.".$user->id){
                return $next($request);
                return response()->json(["message" => "Unauthenticated."], 401);

        return response()->json(["message" => "Unauthenticated."], 401);


Broadcast::routes(["prefix" => "api", 'middleware' => ['auth:api', 'SocketAuth']]);

Register Middleware

projectdir\app\Http Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'SocketAuth' => \App\Http\Middleware\SocketAuth::class,

Laravel-Echo-Server Config

"authEndpoint": "/api/broadcasting/auth",


  1. Unauthenticated 401 - (Laravel-Echo-Server False) On : [ No token present in request from client side, Requested user channel !== Requesting user's channel ]

  2. Authenticated 200 - (Laravel-Echo-Server True) On : [ Token present in request from client side and Requested user channel == Requesting user's channel ]

You can apply your logic for authenticating users to channels in the middleware.

Upvotes: 1

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