Reputation: 1822
problem is pretty well-known. We are given a data type for trees:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Show
We need to write a function down (repmin
) which would take a tree of numbers and replace all numbers in it by their minimum in a single pass. It is also possible to print the tree out along the way (let us say function repminPrint
does this). Both repmin
and pre-, post- and in-order repminPrint
could be written down easily using value recursion. Here is an example for in-order repminPrint
import Control.Arrow
replaceWithM :: (Tree Int, Int) -> IO (Tree Int, Int)
replaceWithM (Leaf a, m) = print a >> return (Leaf m, a)
replaceWithM (Fork l mb r, m) = do
(l', ml) <- replaceWithM (l, m)
print mb
(r', mr) <- replaceWithM (r, m)
return (Fork l' m r', ml `min` mr `min` mb)
repminPrint = loop (Kleisli replaceWithM)
But what if we want to write level-order repminPrint
My guess is that we cannot use the queue as we need the ml
and mr
to update the binding for m
. I cannot see how this could be down with a queue. I wrote down an instance for level-order Foldable Tree
to show what I mean:
instance Foldable Tree where
foldr f ini t = helper f ini [t] where
helper f ini [] = ini
helper f ini ((Leaf v) : q = v `f` helper f ini q
helper f ini ((Fork l v r) : q) = v `f` (helper f ini (q ++ [l, r]))
As you can see, we do not run anything on l
and r
during the current recursive call.
So, how could this be done? I would appreciate hints instead of full solutions.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 138
Reputation: 10091
I think the best way to accomplish what you're looking to do here is with a traversal (in the sense of the Traversable
class). First, I'm going to generalise a little bit to rose trees:
data Tree a
= a :& [Tree a]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
All of the functions I show should be pretty straightforward to change into the tree definition you have given, but this type is a little more general and shows some of the patterns a little better I think.
Our first task, then, is to write the repmin
function on this tree.
We also want to write it using the derived Traversable
Luckily, the pattern done by repmin
can be expressed using a combination of the reader and writer applicatives:
unloop :: WriterT a ((->) a) b -> b
unloop m =
let (x,w) = runWriterT m w
in x
repmin :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a
repmin = unloop . traverse (WriterT . f)
f x ~(Just (Min y)) = (y, Just (Min x))
While we're using the monad transformer version of WriterT
here of course we don't need to, since Applicatives always compose.
The next step is to turn this into the repminPrint
function: for this, we will need the RecursiveDo
extension, which allows us to tie the knot in the unloop
function even while we're inside the IO monad.
unloopPrint :: WriterT a (ReaderT a IO) b -> IO b
unloopPrint m = mdo
(x,w) <- runReaderT (runWriterT m) w
pure x
repminPrint :: (Ord a, Show a) => Tree a -> IO (Tree a)
repminPrint = unloopPrint . traverse (WriterT . ReaderT . f)
f x ~(Just (Min y)) = (y, Just (Min x)) <$ print x
Right: so at this stage, we have managed to write a version of repminPrint
which uses any generic traversal to do the repmin
Of course, it still is in-order, rather than breadth-first:
>>> repminPrint (1 :& [2 :& [4 :& []], 3 :& [5 :& []]])
What's missing now is a traversal which walks over the tree in breadth-first, rather than depth-first, order. I'm going to use the function I wrote here:
bft :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b)
bft f (x :& xs) = liftA2 (:&) (f x) (bftF f xs)
bftF :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> [Tree a] -> f [Tree b]
bftF t = fmap head . foldr (<*>) (pure []) . foldr f [pure ([]:)]
f (x :& xs) (q : qs) = liftA2 c (t x) q : foldr f (p qs) xs
p [] = [pure ([]:)]
p (x:xs) = fmap (([]:).) x : xs
c x k (xs : ks) = ((x :& xs) : y) : ys
where (y : ys) = k ks
All in all, that makes the following a single-pass, breadth-first repminPrint
using an applicative traversal:
unloopPrint :: WriterT a (ReaderT a IO) b -> IO b
unloopPrint m = mdo
(x,w) <- runReaderT (runWriterT m) w
pure x
repminPrint :: (Ord a, Show a) => Tree a -> IO (Tree a)
repminPrint = unloopPrint . bft (WriterT . ReaderT . f)
f x ~(Just (Min y)) = (y, Just (Min x)) <$ print x
>>> repminPrint (1 :& [2 :& [4 :& []], 3 :& [5 :& []]])
Upvotes: 1