Reputation: 11
I’m adding custom attributes to MANIFEST.MF file and deplomentDescriptor in ear. whichworks as expected when we build via gradle cli, but when I deploy to a server in eclipse it dosen’t generate or deploy the MANIFEST.MF and application.xml files.
Gradle Version:6.5.1
ear module DIR structure
sampleEAR build.gradle file
step-1: referring to META-INF dir
plugins {
id 'ear'
id 'eclipse-wtp'
description = "Sample Application"
deploy fileTree(dir: "../SampleEAR", include: 'core*.jar')
deploy project(path: ':SampleWeb', configuration: 'archives')
deploy project(':SampleService')
earlib project(':SampleModel')
ear {
metaInf {
from 'META-INF'
exclude 'MANIFEST.MF'
manifest {
attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
'version': archiveVersion,
'Built-By': System.getProperty(''),
step-2: generate application.xml via gradle
ear {
deploymentDescriptor {
applicationName = 'Sample'
description = "Generated by Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion"
displayName =
webModule("SampleWeb.war", 'Sample')
manifest {
attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
'version': archiveVersion,
'Built-By': System.getProperty(''),
ear {
generateDeploymentDescriptor = false
manifest {
attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
'version': archiveVersion,
'Built-By': System.getProperty(''),
I have tried above 3 steps and it works fine via cli, but not with eclipse IDE.
When deployed to a server in eclipse, it would not create a META-INF content. I need the META-INF content from the src to be deployed via eclipse into ear and deploy if customized via manifest attirbutes or deplomentDescriptor.
Thanks, Karthik
Upvotes: 1
Views: 167