
Reputation: 11

gradle EAR plugin ignores ear block content when built through eclipse

I’m adding custom attributes to MANIFEST.MF file and deplomentDescriptor in ear. whichworks as expected when we build via gradle cli, but when I deploy to a server in eclipse it dosen’t generate or deploy the MANIFEST.MF and application.xml files.

Gradle Version:6.5.1

ear module DIR structure



sampleEAR build.gradle file

step-1: referring to META-INF dir

plugins {
    id 'ear'
    id 'eclipse-wtp'
description = "Sample Application"

    deploy fileTree(dir: "../SampleEAR", include: 'core*.jar')
    deploy project(path: ':SampleWeb', configuration: 'archives')
    deploy project(':SampleService')
    earlib project(':SampleModel')

ear {
    metaInf {
        from 'META-INF'
        exclude 'MANIFEST.MF'
    manifest {
        attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
             'version': archiveVersion,
          'Built-By': System.getProperty('user.name'),

step-2: generate application.xml via gradle

ear {
    deploymentDescriptor {
        applicationName = 'Sample'
        description = "Generated by Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion"
        displayName = project.name
        webModule("SampleWeb.war", 'Sample')
    manifest {
        attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
            'version': archiveVersion,
            'Built-By': System.getProperty('user.name'),


ear {
    generateDeploymentDescriptor = false
    manifest {
        attributes('Created-By': "Gradle $gradle.gradleVersion",
            'version': archiveVersion,
            'Built-By': System.getProperty('user.name'),

I have tried above 3 steps and it works fine via cli, but not with eclipse IDE.

When deployed to a server in eclipse, it would not create a META-INF content. I need the META-INF content from the src to be deployed via eclipse into ear and deploy if customized via manifest attirbutes or deplomentDescriptor.

Thanks, Karthik

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