Reputation: 624
I am trying the create a loop to extract data from an array created previously, so that I can then use the extracted data to generate a line plot.
So far I have been doing it manually by using:
allweek1<-(data.frame(t_weekmean[,,1])) #which selects the date and generates the data frame I want to later format the date using
week1<-stack(allweek1) #and then plot it using
plot(week1$values,type="n", xlim=c(0,2),xlab="Weight (gr)",ylab="Rate (umol/L*gr)",main="All individuals and Treatments at all times")
I know there has to be a way of making this into a loop, for this example I am giving just two weeks but my data goes up to 30, and doing it manually will be messy and easy to have mistakes.
This is the starting array that I have:
, , Week = 1
variable 9 12 15 18
X0 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
X0.5 98.855 98.591 98.357 99.003
X1 98.004 97.804 97.638 98.299
X1.5 95.953 96.999 96.810 97.555
X2 95.235 96.078 95.346 96.665
, , Week = 2
variable 9 12 15 18
X0 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
X0.5 99.137 99.035 97.883 99.055
X1 98.420 98.298 96.459 97.765
X1.5 97.939 97.181 94.406 96.546
X2 96.998 96.237 91.906 95.263
The following data frame which is then converted to a stack version:
X9 X12 X15 X18
X0 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
X0.5 98.855 98.591 98.357 99.003
X1 98.004 97.804 97.638 98.299
X1.5 95.953 96.999 96.810 97.555
X2 95.235 96.078 95.346 96.665
and then the code for plotting is used.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3228
Reputation: 50704
Sounds like task for lattice:
X <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, responseName="values")
X$variable <- as.numeric(gsub("^X","",X$variable))
X$Temp <- as.numeric(X$Temp)
xyplot(values~variable|Week, groups=Temp, X, type="o", as.table=TRUE,
xlab="Weight (gr)", ylab="Rate (umol/L*gr)", main="All individuals and Treatments at all times"
I recreate your data as:
t_weekmean <- structure(c(100, 98.855, 98.004, 95.953, 95.235, 100, 98.591, 97.804, 96.999, 96.078, 100, 98.357, 97.638, 96.81, 95.346, 100, 99.003, 98.299, 97.555, 96.665, 100, 99.137, 98.42, 97.939, 96.998,
100, 99.035, 98.298, 97.181, 96.237, 100, 97.883, 96.459, 94.406, 91.906, 100, 99.055, 97.765, 96.546, 95.263, 99.9889679441867,
98.8470416045204, 98.010997102523, 95.9636806506725, 95.235986063534, 100.00797414162, 98.5968712619705, 97.7984016535804, 96.9904933552904,
96.0816877686208, 99.9946318131395, 98.3568674165109, 97.6357767063124, 96.8119443900658, 95.3441814383421, 99.989633272252, 99.0037062049508,
98.3034580102509, 97.5568340624981, 96.6615796074679, 100.000379644977, 99.1375077671092, 98.4187321210541, 97.9350205929782, 97.0006243532971,
100.003971157774, 99.0316462150477, 98.298322594611, 97.1782003010139, 96.239865449585, 100.002464797458, 97.8810655647218, 96.4592857614756,
94.4099917372801, 91.9025173998885, 100.003642400375, 99.0529984607268, 97.76302246443, 96.5426428484451, 95.2658935513329),
.Dim = c(5L, 4L, 4L), .Dimnames = structure(list(variable = c("X0", "X0.5", "X1", "X1.5", "X2"),
Temp = c("9", "12", "15", "18"), Week = c("1", "2", "3", "4")), .Names = c("variable", "Temp", "Week"))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11956
If you use plyr
, you can do this with a_ply
a_ply(t_weekmean, 3, function(arrayforcurweek){
allweek1<-(data.frame(arrayforcurweek)) #which selects the date and generates the data frame I want to later format the date using
week1<-stack(allweek1) #and then plot it using
plot(week1$values,type="n", xlim=c(0,2),xlab="Weight (gr)",ylab="Rate (umol/L*gr)",main="All individuals and Treatments at all times")
Like, this, you will only ever see the last graph, because the rest is typically overwritten. So you may want to add a layout statement, or provide a pause between the graphs etc.
OK, some more information as per your comment:
takes 3 parameters here: first an array on which to perform things, next a 'margin', meaning: over which of the dimensions should I iterate (this is the 'hidden' loop), and finally a function to perform on all the parts.
So what happens: a_ply takes all possible values for the third dimension of your array (because margin==3), and runs over them (you could see this as an indexer i
in a for loop). Then it takes the part of your array for each of these values (kind of like t_weekmean[,,i]
), and feeds this to the function that is the third parameter (so within this function, the consecutive marginal arrays will be known as arrayforcurweek).
The problem with this way of working, is that the graphs are made in quick succession, so if you simply run this code and view the image window, you should only see the graph for the last value of your third dimension. If you want to see all of them next to one another (although this would cause tiny graphs), you would prefix this with something like: layout(matrix(1:30), nrow=6) This will cause the screen to be split up in 30, so that each plot gets its own part of the full screen.
I believe, if you write immediately to a pdf or similar, that you don't require this, but I don't have experience with that.
Does this help you along?
Upvotes: 3