Reputation: 45
how to create a Unix job/ PL/SQL code which will automate the creation of sub partitions for future dates on a existing partitioned table on half yearly or yearly basis?
I have a table which is list partitioned on source system column and range sub partitioned on create date column. Every time data comes in for future dates, we have to go and create sub partition manually for those dates then data will get loaded, if sub partition doesn't exist the load is failing. I want to automate the process of sub partition creation on this table by creating a Unix job. This job shall create the partitions for future 6 months at start from where ever the table is currently having sub partition. Later on every quarterly cycle it should create sub partition for next 6 months automatically.
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
create table transactions (
run_date date,
source_id number,
source_name VARCHAR2(10),
region VARCHAR2(3)
partition by list (source_name)
subpartition by range (run_date)
subpartition template
subpartition SP1 values less than (to_date ('2020-01-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP2 values less than (to_date ('2020-02-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP3 values less than (to_date ('2020-03-02','YYYY-MM-DD'))
partition P_CA values ('CA')
subpartition CA_SP1 values less than (to_date ('2020-01-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition CA_SP2 values less than (to_date ('2020-02-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition CA_SP3 values less than (to_date ('2020-03-02','YYYY-MM-DD'))
partition P_SP values ('SP')
subpartition SP_SP1 values less than (to_date ('2020-01-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP_SP2 values less than (to_date ('2020-02-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP_SP3 values less than (to_date ('2020-03-02','YYYY-MM-DD'))
create index idx1 on transactions (source_name);
create index idx2 on transactions (run_date);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3414
Reputation: 59642
I would recommend to do it the other way around, i.e. INTERVAL partition by run_date
and subpartition by source_name
. Would be this:
create table transactions (
run_date date,
source_id number,
source_name VARCHAR2(10),
region VARCHAR2(3)
For this table you don't have to write any script/job, Oracle creates partitions and subpartitions automatically while INSERT whenever needed.
I think LOCAL indexes would be better (honestly I don't have the default in my head, so I specify it explicitly):
create index idx1 on transactions (source_name) LOCAL;
create index idx2 on transactions (run_date) LOCAL;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 414
Automation of some task is quite large request but below I managed to prepare a procedure that is extending partition subpartitions based on their values stored in DB and can be called at anytime to add new subpartitions that will follow dates and IDs of already existing subpartitions. Now this was prepared on Oracle SQL Live and might need a little adjustment on your database, but this should provide you with enough code to start poking around. At the end there is a call to this created procedure with number of subpartitions that you want to add, this should work until you reach some Oracle limit on partition number or any other limit that may apply.
Now lets get to what this monstrosity does. Basically script checks table user_tab_subpartitions
and finds existing subpartitions from which it detects what is the largest number of the subpartition name and extracts last date that was used in this subpartition, next it adds one to the subpartition number and one month to last date plus number of cycles. For testing purposes comment out execute immediate v_sql;
to see in output what commands are generated without actually executing them.
Be advised that creating too many subpartitions may in time lead to worse performance. Also never run any code that you don't fully understand in production as this might not work for you as expected!
create or replace procedure add_subpartitions(p_add_sp_count number) is
c_table_name constant varchar2(250) := 'TRANSACTIONS';
c_ca_sp_name constant varchar2(10) := 'CA_SP';
c_sp_sp_name constant varchar2(10) := 'SP_SP';
c_date_format constant varchar2(10) := 'YYYY-MM-DD';
v_high_value long;
v_high_value_char varchar2(4000);
v_high_value_date date;
v_sql varchar2(32000);
-- Unless we are adding subpartitions there is nothing to do
if p_add_sp_count <= 0 then
end if;
-- Locate existing subpartitions and provide us with their name without number and largest number in name
-- each partition will have one exact entry about largest subpartititon
for i in (select table_name,
when subpartition_name like c_ca_sp_name||'%'
then c_ca_sp_name
when subpartition_name like c_sp_sp_name||'%'
then c_sp_sp_name
end subpartition_name,
max(to_number(replace(replace(subpartition_name, c_ca_sp_name, null), c_sp_sp_name, null))) largest_sp_id
from user_tab_subpartitions
where table_name = c_table_name
group by table_name, partition_name, partition_position, case
when subpartition_name like c_ca_sp_name||'%'
then c_ca_sp_name
when subpartition_name like c_sp_sp_name||'%'
then c_sp_sp_name
order by partition_position asc) loop
-- Loop to generate as many subpartitions as we need per partition
for loop_index in 1 .. p_add_sp_count loop
-- Get value of subpartition as it is LONG we cannot manipulate its value in parent loop due to group by
select high_value
into v_high_value
from user_tab_subpartitions
where table_name = i.table_name
and partition_name = i.partition_name
and subpartition_name = i.subpartition_name||i.largest_sp_id;
-- Some mumbo jumbo with LONG data type to get it into VARCHAR2 and get its month value
v_high_value_char := substr(v_high_value, 1, 4000);
v_high_value_char := regexp_replace(v_high_value_char, '.+('||regexp_replace(c_date_format, '[YMD]', '[0-9]')||').+', '\1');
v_high_value_date := to_date(v_high_value_char, c_date_format);
-- Generate SQL query
v_sql := 'alter table '||i.table_name||' modify partition '||i.partition_name||' add subpartition '||i.subpartition_name||(i.largest_sp_id + loop_index)||' values less than (to_date('''||to_char((v_high_value_date + (interval '1' month * loop_index)), c_date_format)||''','''||c_date_format||'''))';
-- Execute SQL query
execute immediate v_sql;
end loop;
end loop;
And call it as:
Last call can be scheduled in lets say crontab with call like:
echo -e "begin add_subpartitions(6); end;\n/" | sqlplus -S <LOGIN_INFO>
sqlplus -S <LOGIN_INFO> @<path to script>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9875
You can create a procedure that loops through the partitions, adding subpartitions as needed.
This adds subpartitions with dates ending 6 months from now by adding 6 months to sysdate and using this to generate the upper bounds:
create table transactions (
run_date date,
source_id number,
source_name VARCHAR2(10),
region VARCHAR2(3)
partition by list (source_name)
subpartition by range (run_date)
subpartition template
subpartition SP1 values less than (to_date ('2020-01-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP2 values less than (to_date ('2020-02-02','YYYY-MM-DD')),
subpartition SP3 values less than (to_date ('2020-03-02','YYYY-MM-DD'))
partition P_CA values ('CA'),
partition P_SP values ('SP')
insert into transactions
values ( date'2020-07-15' , 1, 'CA', 'REG');
ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition
year_month varchar2(10);
stmt varchar2(1000);
year_month := to_char ( add_months ( sysdate, 6 ), 'YYYYMM' );
for ps in (
select * from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = 'TRANSACTIONS'
) loop
stmt := '
alter table transactions
modify partition ' || ps.partition_name || '
add subpartition sp' || ps.partition_name || '_' || year_month || q'!
values less than (
to_date ( '!' || year_month || q'!', 'YYYYMM' )
dbms_output.put_line ( stmt );
execute immediate stmt;
end loop;
insert into transactions
values ( date'2020-07-15' , 1, 'CA', 'REG');
select partition_name, subpartition_name
from user_tab_subpartitions
where table_name = 'TRANSACTIONS';
P_CA SPP_CA_202101
P_SP SPP_SP_202101
Depending on how your load works, there's still the possibility you'll miss dates. To avoid this, add a maxvalue
subpartition as a catch-all. Then change the above to a split subpartition
Or - if possible - you can make this much easier by flipping the partition/subpartition columns.
This allows you to use interval partitioning, which handles new partitions for you:
drop table transactions
cascade constraints purge;
create table transactions (
run_date date,
source_id number,
source_name VARCHAR2(10),
region VARCHAR2(3)
partition by range (run_date)
interval ( interval '1' month )
subpartition by list (source_name)
subpartition template
subpartition P_CA values ('CA'),
subpartition P_SP values ('SP')
partition P1 values less than (to_date ('2020-01-02','YYYY-MM-DD'))
insert into transactions
values ( date'2020-07-15' , 1, 'CA', 'REG');
select partition_name, subpartition_name
from user_tab_subpartitions
where table_name = 'TRANSACTIONS';
P1 P1_P_CA
P1 P1_P_SP
SYS_P1748 SYS_SUBP1747
SYS_P1748 SYS_SUBP1746
You'll only need to update the template when you get new source_name
values. Again, you can add a default
partition as a catch-all to avoid missing any values.
Upvotes: 1