Reputation: 33
How to convert this "2203" to 2203 Tried with some given examples, no Luck Jobid="2203"
* def Jobid = response # Jobid="2203"
* def intJobid = function(x){ x.Jobid = ~~x.Jobid; return x }
* def results =, Jobid)
* match results == #number
Upvotes: 2
Views: 11385
Reputation: 680
Use parseInt()
to convert string to number. An alternative is to just multiply the string with 1. e.g.
* def foo = '10'
* string json = { bar: '#(1 * foo)' }
* match json == '{"bar":10.0}'
* string json = { bar: '#(parseInt(foo))' }
* match json == '{"bar":10.0}'
Upvotes: 5