Reputation: 47
Search yielded no results, so here I am! Using Python + Pandas, I am able to import a spreadsheet. Is there a way to reformat my table from looking like this:
Name | ID | Shirt Color
Jim | 001 | White
Michael | 002 | Green
Michael | 002 | Blue
Pam | 003 | Pink
Jim | 001 | Orange
Jim | 001 | White (notice the duplicate counted separately)
into this?
Name | ID | Shirt Color 1 | Shirt Color 2 | Shirt Color 3 |
Jim | 001 | White | Orange | White |
Michael | 002 | Green | Blue | |
Pam | 003 | Pink | | |
Im really lost as to what to call upon with Pandas to make this happen. Any help would be fantastic! I appreciate you!
I was able to use nunique to get the "count" of different shirts worn but not what I'm looking for.
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Views: 88
Reputation: 323226
We need create a additional key with cumcount
, then it become a pivot
s=df.pivot_table(index=['Name','ID'],columns='key',values='Shirt Color',aggfunc='first').\
key Name ID ShirtColor_1 ShirtColor_2 ShirtColor_3
0 Jim 1 White Orange White
1 Michael 2 Green Blue NaN
2 Pam 3 Pink NaN NaN
Upvotes: 1