
Reputation: 25

”_grokparsefailure” even though the grok pattern works

I am trying to parse different logs lines from two different type of file : slave and master. I did test my pattern in the Grok Dubugger and it is working fine but tags field in kibana is _grokparsefailure.

Here is my config file

input {
    file { 
        type => "slave"
        path => "/home/mathis/Documents/**/intranet*.log"
        exclude =>"*8402.log"
        sincedb_path => '/dev/null'
        start_position => beginning
    file { 
        type => "master"
        path => "/home/mathis/Documents/**/intranet*8402.log"
        sincedb_path => '/dev/null'
filter {
    if [type] == "slave" {
        grok {
            match => { "message" => ["\[%{DATESTAMP:eventtime}\] \- %{USERNAME:user} \- %{IPV4:clientip} \- %{NUMBER} \- %{WORD} %{NUMBER:exectime} %{WORD} %{NUMBER:time} %{GREEDYDATA:data} %{NUMBER:waittime}","\[%{DATESTAMP:eventtime}\] \- Process status database sync \- %{WORD}\.%{WORD}\.%{WORD}\:%{NUMBER:slavenumb}\(\#%{NUMBER}\) \(load %{NUMBER:nbutilisateur} grace period 5 minutes\) %{GREEDYDATA}"] }
            remove_field => "message"
    date {
                match => [ "eventtime", "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
            target => "@timestamp"
    if [type] == "master" {
        grok {
                match => {"message" => ["%{NUMBER}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER}%{SPACE}(?<starttime>((?!<[0-9])%{HOUR}:)?%{MINUTE}(?::%{SECOND})(?![0-9]))"]}
                remove_field => "message"
            date {
                match => [ "starttime", "HH:mm:ss","mm:ss" ]
output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ""
        index => "logstash-local3-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Here are the 3 logs lines that I want to parse : (they are in the order of groks in my conf file)

[24/06/2020 21:57:29.548] - Process status database sync - (load 0 grace period 5 minutes) : current date 2020/06/24 21:57:29 update date 2020/06/24 21:55:44 old state OK new state OK

[29/05/2020 07:41:51.354] - ih912865 - - 93 - Transaction 7635 COMPLETED 318 ms wait time 3183 ms

   31730  31626  464 10970020     52:25 /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64/opx2-intranet.exe -I /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64/opx2-intranet.dxl -H /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64 -L /plw/PLW_PROD/modules/preload-intranet.ini -- plw-sysconsole -port 8400 -logdir /plw/PLW_PROD/httpdocs/admin/log/ -slaves 2

Upvotes: 0

Views: 807

Answers (1)


Reputation: 246

So, I don't know if you've already resolved this -- but below is something you could use.

N.B. I added a couple of extra fields, but you can easily remove those [].

When trying the expressions you provided, one of them actually failed in the grok debugger, so I just took it upon myself to rewrite them all from scratch while still maintaining variable names.

I noticed there was a lot of data that you simply didn't glean. If you want more captured, let me know.

Line 1:

    [24/06/2020 21:57:29.548] - Process status database sync - (load 0 grace period 5 minutes) : current date 2020/06/24 21:57:29 update date 2020/06/24 21:55:44 old state OK new state OK

Pattern 1:

    \[(?<eventtime>%{DATESTAMP})\] - Process status database sync - (?<host>%{HOSTNAME}):(?<slavenumber>%{NUMBER})(?<zz>\(#[\d]+\)) \(load (?<nbutilisateur>%{NUMBER}) grace period 5 minutes\)%{GREEDYDATA}

Line 2:

    [29/05/2020 07:41:51.354] - ih912865 - - 93 - Transaction 7635 COMPLETED 318 ms wait time 3183 ms

Pattern 2:

    \[(?<eventtime>%{DATESTAMP})\] - (?<user>%{USER}) - (?<clientip>%{IPV4}) - %{NUMBER} - %{WORD} (?<exectime>%{NUMBER}) %{WORD} (?<ctime>%{NUMBER}) (?<ctimeunits>%{WORD}) wait time (?<waittime>%{NUMBER}) (?<waittimeunits>%{WORD})

Line 3:

       31730  31626  464 10970020     52:25 /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64/opx2-intranet.exe -I /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64/opx2-intranet.dxl -H /plw/modules/bin/Lx86_64 -L /plw/PLW_PROD/modules/preload-intranet.ini -- plw-sysconsole -port 8400 -logdir /plw/PLW_PROD/httpdocs/admin/log/ -slaves 2

Pattern 3:


Upvotes: 1

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