Reputation: 86
Using the examples from jszip and docxtemplater I am trying to add multiple docx-Documents to a zip archive and I am failing. My archive only contains docx-files with 0 Bytes that are not readable.
I think I don't understand how I can add the docx-files in binary mode to the archive. I added the rather long example code that I fused from the examples mentioned above.
Can you tell me how I have to modify the output of the generate()-function or the addition of the files to the zip-archive?
<button onclick="zip_docx()">Generate document</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/pizzip.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/pizzip-utils.js"></script>
<script src="jszip.min.js"></script>
Mandatory in IE 6, 7, 8 and 9.
<!--[if IE]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[email protected]/dist/pizzip-utils-ie.js"></script>
function loadFile(url,callback){
function zip_docx(){
var zip = new JSZip();
var file1 = generate("file1");
var file2 = generate("file2");
var file3 = generate("file3");
zip.file("file1.docx", file1);
zip.file("file2.docx", file2);
zip.file("file3.docx", file3);
.then(function(content) {
// see FileSaver.js
saveAs(content, "");
function generate() {
if (error) { throw error };
// The error object contains additional information when logged with JSON.stringify (it contains a properties object containing all suberrors).
function replaceErrors(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Error) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).reduce(function(error, key) {
error[key] = value[key];
return error;
}, {});
return value;
function errorHandler(error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify({error: error}, replaceErrors));
if ( && instanceof Array) {
const errorMessages = (error) {
console.log('errorMessages', errorMessages);
// errorMessages is a humanly readable message looking like this :
// 'The tag beginning with "foobar" is unopened'
throw error;
var zip = new PizZip(content);
var doc;
try {
doc=new window.docxtemplater(zip);
} catch(error) {
// Catch compilation errors (errors caused by the compilation of the template : misplaced tags)
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Doe',
phone: '0652455478',
description: 'New Website'
try {
// render the document (replace all occurences of {first_name} by John, {last_name} by Doe, ...)
catch (error) {
// Catch rendering errors (errors relating to the rendering of the template : angularParser throws an error)
var out=doc.getZip().generate({
mimeType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
}) //Output the document using Data-URI
return out
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4651
Reputation: 86
After researching the comment of muellermarkus, I was consulting with the leader of the project and I opened an issue on github. There is an answer there which I copy here as a reference. The main hurdle was the addition of {base64: true} as option when the docx-file is added to the archive.
<html lang="en">
<button onclick="generate()">Generate document</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/pizzip.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/pizzip-utils.js"></script>
var zipDocs = new PizZip();
function loadFile(url,callback){
function generate() {
if (error) { throw error };
// The error object contains additional information when logged with JSON.stringify (it contains a properties object containing all suberrors).
function replaceErrors(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Error) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).reduce(function(error, key) {
error[key] = value[key];
return error;
}, {});
return value;
function errorHandler(error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify({error: error}, replaceErrors));
if ( && instanceof Array) {
const errorMessages = (error) {
console.log('errorMessages', errorMessages);
// errorMessages is a humanly readable message looking like this :
// 'The tag beginning with "foobar" is unopened'
throw error;
const array = ['John','Jane']
var zip = new PizZip(content);
var doc;
try {
doc=new window.docxtemplater(zip);
} catch(error) {
// Catch compilation errors (errors caused by the compilation of the template : misplaced tags)
first_name: name,
last_name: 'Doe',
phone: '0652455478',
description: 'New Website'
try {
// render the document (replace all occurences of {first_name} by John, {last_name} by Doe, ...)
catch (error) {
// Catch rendering errors (errors relating to the rendering of the template : angularParser throws an error)
var out=doc.getZip().generate() //Output the document using Data-URI
zipDocs.file(name+".docx", out, {base64: true});
console.log(name, " wurde gezippt.");
var content = zipDocs.generate({ type: "blob" });
// see FileSaver.js
saveAs(content, "");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 906
It worked for me (with Angular)
<input type="file" placeholder="Upload docx template" #docx>
<button (click)="readDocxFile(docx)">Save</button>
Function on Component
readDocxFile(elm: any): void {
const reader = new FileReader();
if (elm.files.length === 0) {
console.log('No files selected');
reader.onerror = (event) => {
console.log('error reading file', event);
reader.onload = (event) => {
const content =;
const zip = new PizZip(content);,;
My service
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as JSZip from 'JSZip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
declare const docxtemplater: any;
providedIn: 'root',
export class SaveFilesService {
constructor() {}
save(zipContent: any, data: any[]): void {
const zip = new JSZip();
data.forEach((val) => {
const file = this.generate(zipContent, val);
zip.file(`Word_${val.docNr}.docx`, file);
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then((content) => {
saveAs(content, '');
generate(zip: any, val: any): any {
const doc = new docxtemplater(zip).setData(val).render();
const out = doc.getZip().generate({
type: 'blob',
return out;
Upvotes: 0